How To Say "I'm Sorry" With Lily

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Ok guys I know, I haven't updated in ages and I'm sorry. I have been a little busy and I'll prove it to you. I just got back from visiting the US eight days ago and four out of the past eight days I have been working, so I have been busy. Plus school is starting back up for me in two days and I'm going to be even more busy as I'm going into year 10 (sophomore) which for Australia is major grade and considering I almost failed year 9 last year I really need to buckle down. Don't worry I'm not putting this book on hold or anything, I'm just letting you guys know that I'm alive and that I'm sorry for not updating.

Onto other news; my trip to the US taught me heaps of things like our McDonalds are completely different! I only notice this because I work at McDonalds. It got me thinking, every country is different so I thought maybe if you think it would be cool, you can order your favourite meal from McDonalds take a photo of it, send it to my Instagram @LilydaughterofHecate and tell me it is, what country did you get it in and it you have a nickname for McDonalds like we do (BTW it's Maccas), and I'll put it in a book so we can all see how different and special each country is. We don't have to do this if you guys don't want too but this book will be written by all of us and I won't cut any photo out even if I've another photo got the same meal or from the same place. Tell me what you guys think?

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