How To Get a Date with Calypso

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Brian POV

I stared at the hottest girl in school as she crossed the cafeteria, sitting at her table with her computer geek friend Mac. I wanted her so bad. Not to mention we'd be perfect together, I mean I'm the hottest guy in school.

"Dude, I think you're drooling," My friend Liam laughed.

"Shut up," I growled. I didn't just like Calypso for her looks, even though she is as beautiful as Aphrodite. I also liked her for her witty, snappy comebacks and how she didn't care for the looks of the boys that asked her out. Sure she was pretty but that wasn't all she was, in fact it was even half of what she is. But if any of my friends knew what I really thought of Calypso and the fact that I actually had a crush on her, I'd never hear the end of it.

"Go and ask her out already, its not like she is going to reject you," Mark stated rolling his eyes, playing with his fork and the cafeteria's spaghetti.

"Why wouldn't she reject me, she has rejected every other guy that's asked her out?" I questioned.

"True, but you're Brian Bank, the hottest guy in school, the guy every girl and some guys have a crush and I doubt that your charm won't work on her," Mark answered waving and pointing his fork at me.

"Fine," I sighed. I looked over at Calypso and gathered all my courage before standing up and walking over to Calypso and Mac.

"Hello ladies," I smiled sitting down next to Calypso. I smiled at them both.

"We're not you're stalkers, they're over there," Mac answered.

"I know, interesting fact, I'm not a big fan of my fan club, I don't understand why they are so obsessed with me. I'm just a regular guy," Mac cracked a smile.

"You're the captain of the football team and you are apparently the definition of hot, according to them," Mac answered. Mac and I are somewhat friends we've been in the same class since kindergarten and it was only in freshmen year Mac and I stopped hanging out. She said it was because all my friends are asses and I couldn't agree with her more. Calypso looked up from her book and turned to me. She looked me up and down and said something I'd never think would ever come out of a girls mouth when talking about me.

"I've seen hotter," Mac started laughing

"Celebrities don't count," I defended myself.

"I'm not talking about celebrities, I was talking about some of my friends," She stated. Rolling her eyes, she returned to her book.

"Really? Prove it?" I dared her. She sighed closing her book that I noticed was in a different language, she pulled out her phone from her pocket. After a little bit of tapping and scrolling she showed me a photo of a group of guys. Each guy in the photo had at least a four pack, most had six, some even had eight. How do I know this? Well, the guys were shirtless, they were at the beach.

"Those are you're friends?" I asked. Even if I did have a crush on her, she most defiantly has a crush on one of them.

"Remind me what pack do you have?" Mac laughed.

"Shut up Mackenzie, I have a four pack, leave me alone," I groaned, slamming my head onto the table.

"Hey! You're the one who came over here," Mac stated, "And don't call me Mackenzie,"

"Don't worry Brian, my boyfriend, Leo, has a four pack too. Its not all about looks you know, its all about what's inside," Calypso smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up.

"Thanks," I mumbled. It took me a while to actually process what she said. "Hold up you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes," Calypso laughed, "I'm guessing you came over here to ask me out?" I looked down embarrassed. "Its okay, I don't mind really, I feel bad really, you're the first one who actually took the time to have a conversation with me," I noticed Mac and become increasingly quiet. I looked over to her. She was packing her things up.

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