Alternative Facts

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Welcome to Trump's world!

It's 2017 and a brave new world has begun with Trump's presidency.

Only days after the inauguration of America's 45th president, the new administration introduced us to the 'new speak' of alternative facts and political reviews of science. All scientific reports published by the Environmental Protection Agency will henceforth be reviewed for political suitability: politics trumps science!

It's all so insanely reminiscent of George Orwell's world of '1984'.

The following dialogue is between two chimpanzees named Abu and Mabu: I use A and M to distinguish the speaker.


M: I just heard something very interesting: the mightiest human tribe in the world has a new leader.

A: So! What's interesting about that?

M: He's one of the richest humans in the world and claims that he's going to make the masses richer.

A: How is he going to do that?

M: He has hired an army of people to convince them that black is white and white is black: a new speak!

A: For what purpose does he do that?

M: Well. If he tells people that he's actually going to make them poor, they won't like it. So he has to convince them that poor is good and rich is bad. Then everything will be fine.

A: I don't understand.

M: His plan is the opposite of what he promised the masses. He's going to make himself and his friends richer and the masses poorer.

A: I get it. For them to have more bananas the masses have to have fewer. Surely, they won't like that.

M: That's why he needs an army of people to convince the masses that eating fewer bananas is good for them.

A: That simply doesn't make sense.

M: It doesn't make sense to us because we're chimps, but humans believe anything they're told.

A: Well. If that's the case they deserve their new leader. It just reinforces my belief that humans are just crazy apes.


In George Orwell's world of '1984'

Science, in the old sense, had almost ceased to exist. In Newspeak there is no word for science.

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

According to Trump, America has to increase its nuclear arsenal so that others will come to their senses. Meanwhile, as a result of that comment, the 'doomsday clock' has just advanced another thirty seconds. It is now at two and a half minutes to midnight! The closest it has ever been is two minutes to midnight during the height of the Cold War. Are we at the beginning of another Cold War?

It seems that humanity is plunging to new depths!

The Crazy Apes:  A Satire of Human SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now