Until Death Do Us Part

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When the richest person in the world makes in three or four days what the average person makes in a year, one might rightfully ask, what's the point of it all? Sooner or later that person will die and part with all the billions anyway.

The following dialogue is between two chimpanzees named Abu and Mabu: I use A and M to distinguish the speaker.


M: During my captivity, I heard that some humans have so much money it would take them a lifetime just counting it all.

A: What's money?

M: It's a piece of paper with some human's head on it, which tells them how much they can buy with it.

A: So, some people spend their lives counting how much money they have accumulated?

M: No. I don't think they do that.

A: But why do they accumulate so much?

M: I suppose it's a game for them to see who can own the most.

A: Do they share any with others once they have won the game?

M: No. They don't.

A: Why?

M: The game is never-ending.

A: It has to end some time.

M: Only when they die.

A: So, they accumulate money until they die, just to leave it behind! What a futile game.

M: It's more than just a game, of course. Money just doesn't come to them. They have to spend their entire lives scheming how to make more, scheming how to beat their competitors, scheming how to get away with questionable practices.

A: So, it's a high-level pissing contest. They bully everybody around them for a silly pissing contest? And they call themselves humans?

M: These are important people you're talking about! They're the ones who control everything. They are the epitome of humanity! The ones whom others want to emulate.

A: And when they die and go to hell, for no god would allow them into heaven, they will be penniless like all the others there. What will they have achieved with all their worldly wealth?

M: I suppose they don't believe in god, otherwise they wouldn't spend their lives accumulating money, while hurting others in the process, only to spend an eternity in hell.

A: So, what happens to those who don't believe in god?

M: Only god knows the answer to that.

A: But if there is no god ....


The richest and most powerful people in the world have access to the best experts that money can buy. Therefore, they must know things that we don't. Otherwise, why aren't they worried about burning in hell after they die?

Their factories pollute our biosphere; they cause injuries and death to workers; they protest about the few health and safety regulations that offer minimal safeguards; they complain about the few environmental regulations that offer limited protection of our biosphere; they contravene all existing regulations because they can afford to pay the fines; and they sell financial products that are designed to self-destruct.

Clearly, they're not prime candidates for heaven!

What do they know that we don't?

The Crazy Apes:  A Satire of Human SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now