Scribble 01

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I hum happily as I make the coffee for a customer. Today is just a great day~

"Jungkook-ah" My boss said as I look at him.

"Yes Hoseok hyung?" I asked him.

"Your shift is done" He said as he started writing some stuffs on his folder.

"Oh okay hyung I'll just finish this coffee" I said as he nods and smiles.

"Okay Kookie~" He said as he left. I smile as I finished brewing the coffee. I look at the name on the cup.

"One americano for Mark-sshi" I said loudly enough for everyone to heard. Then a guy who looks like foreigner came to me and smiled.

"That will be me" He said and I gave him the coffee.

"Enjoy your coffee sir and come again" I said as I smile at him.

"Thanks!" He just said and left the cafe. I look at the clock. Welp time to head home.
I quickly went to the employee's room, to changed and get my stuffs. After doing all of that, I went greated my boss and co-workers goodbye and left the cafe. As I walk into the street, I pull my scarf more. Winter is really here. I felt a sudden sensation in my hands, and I quickly look at it.

"Tomorrow Exams for Math"

I smile and quickly took my pen out from my pocket.

"Good luck Min-Min! Fighting :)"

After writing it, I just wait for his response. My soulmate and I don't really know our real names. I mean he told me that he wanted fate to brought us together (He's so romantic xD). So I have him part of my name and he did too. I really wonder who is he and when will I meet him in person.

"Thanks Kook!"

I smile as I read it and he even drew a heart next to it.

Ah I'm really in love.


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