Episode 29: Sinister Books!

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Akara: ...

Wind Akara: ...

Akara: Long time no see, huh?

Wind Akara: It really has been a while. There's something that you need to know. You've noticed that we're talking much longer than we usually would. That's due to the process being complete.

Akara: The process is complete? So... All 4 wielders have been chosen?

Wind Akara: That is correct. And now there's no split between you and Gino. I'm now fully connected to you.

Akara: Do you have a name?

Wind Akara: Each orb takes on the name of its chosen wielder. That would make me Wind Akara.

Akara: Which means at first you were... Wind Gino?

Wind Akara: That is correct.

Akara: I don't know if I'll ever get used to looking at myself when speaking to you. But I have a question about the other 3 books. Is it true that the books the other wielders own are different from mine?

Wind Akara: Yes, and that's because of different teachings from each child of God.

Akara: I wonder what type of person I'm envisioned to be.

Wind Akara: One thing I will say is that it's almost completely different from the person you are today.

Akara: ...

Wind Akara: That's all for now. I'll see you around.

Akara: Heh heh heh... Alright!

Kagawa High (Koji's class)

(Koji leaves the class)

(Akara wakes up)

(A student gives Akara a folded sheet of paper)

Akara: A note?

(Akara unfolds it)

Akara: ("Do you want to work on the homework together at my house?" - Kagura? No way...)

(Koji comes back into the classroom)

Intercom: Akara Takahashi, please report to the main office.

Akara: Not again...

Main Office

Akara: ...

Yuuna: I'm Yuuna.

Akara: ... That doesn't really explain anything.

Yuuna: Would I be correct if I said you're a chosen guardian?

Akara: Y - Yeah.

Yuuna: Excellent. I am the author for one of the four books.

Akara: (A woman?)

Yuuna: We're here on a visit to meet you and the author of the book you possess. I honestly didn't expect you to be so young. Have you met any other chosen book wielders?

Akara: Yeah, one of them. I was kind of given a hard time for my age.

Yuuna: You should prepare yourself then.

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