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All rights reserved.copyright of Thechocchichot. this story is coming from my imagination;characters, places, and events are all part of my imagination.
It is created for  entertainment.
Any resemblance to actual events or locations are simply coincidental. No part of this story can be used or reproduced in any way without the authors permission.
Please be unique and don't copy anything from my work.
By all means, don't copy any events, locations and others.
Characters will come on some chapters.
I don't own songs and pictures I post on chapters.

There will or might be grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes or some bit may not make sense please be patient because I will edit after.
_______enjoy prologue ----
Kacy's POV

The Idiot left me alone he's a jerk.
Just because I didn't want to quit he just left me alone what a sudden jerk.
What am I gonna do now?
He's the one always controlling me on anything and everything.

True every girl has to wear dresses but my now I call so called boyfriend has told me to wear tights with the dress the dress is really long really long.

Some people trip on the dress while some people find it comfortable and others might find it comfortable.

Today I'm here to talk and freedom my self from wearing dresses from now on I'm wearing skirt.

Yes I know I'm breaking the rule the government only allows us to wear long skirts at home and they only mean it at home.

Women's actually or sometime let's say optionally can sometimes work home or either work outside.

While me getting trapped by my so called husband, yes I'm aloud to work and more I'm aloud to do other things.
But not ALOUD and I mean it not aloud to go out with friends.

And from this day on I decided to wear a skirt and freedom and...
Break the law but only in a good way.
Since my boyfriend broke up with me I kept on saying keep going and going and never cry.

Since my mum and dad died I swept up and up and up till I grew to be a strong unique and honest women.
I think and feel I'm the best.

Since no one steps up like Malala a girl who had to live in Pakistan and had one day been shot.
I want to be like her, because she stuck up amongst every girl who couldn't and every girl who tried but were scared.

I want to be one and I will to wear a skirt I will make sure to stick out for myself if anyone goes against me.

But the government said" no skirts only authorized at home."

We're in 1900 the kind of role where women and man can work but women's are only allowed to wear dresses outside while skirts inside.

I want to change this.
Well how, I can make a speech wear that skirt and make sure to tell the government that women's have rights to wear shirts.
Even kids or girls age 11 and 9 have to wear dresses but it's long for them some complain while some hold that in their thoughts.

I'm proud I'm a teacher and some students (girls)tell me "miss the dress is so long" and others complain "miss the dress is uncomfortable" I agree and understand them.
And I understand why they find it uncomfortable.
I find it too.
But one day their will be me who will change the world and change the things the government makes.
So how was the prologue.i know really short well comment vote and share.
Since this is short chapter 1 coming out soon!

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