Chapter 1

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(not edited lots of grammatical mistakes) … The break up
Kacy's POV
Here i am dealing with my boyfriend telling me to quit the job and work for him .
His name is Charlie Woods.
“Charlie you know im not quitting the job and i never will” i said angrily.

“you have to so you can work for me” is he crazy work for him.boy ..noo...

“no i will never work for you”. I told him epmathising the word "never" and "work".

But the next thing he said took me by suprise.
“fine,Kacy we will break up no me and you again if you dont obey me”.

“no please dont go please dont”
“kacy im sorry i have to go just remember i love you from my hear” he said touching the area of his heart .

“no please dont go” i begged him i loved him a lot a lot i mean.
“i wont go unless you quit your job and work for me” he said pleadingly .

I gave him my final answer“no”.
“no?,is that all you know,your lucky the goverment said you have to wear skirt at home and dresses outside because if you had weard a skirt outside you really dont know what i will do”
Did he just say "you really dont know what i will do".
Because 1 minute ago he told me he will leave me but he still loves me,i never new my boyfriend could be threatning.

Being a sassy cat i replied“what will you do?” but i was sure brave .

The next moment and thing he said and done made me scream and shout.“you see this is what i will do” he said as he was pulling mt hair and pinching my arm.
“ouch,let go of me” i said yelling in pain.
He let me go but this shocked me.
“we will never live together,and we are breaking up and never say my name”.

He couldnt do this he said he loves me but why is he saying we will never live never and never...
I cant sum it up i cant live without him.

“But~”. I said but he cut me of.
“no buts i told you to work for me,quit your job and you refused so we are indeed over 100%over”

No he cant do this he cant do this.
Please God help me no please.
Dont go i said in my mind .
If i make an excuse he will probpaly say "no".
If i quit mt teacher job the students will hate me.

They always adore me,i helpe them thats why i love those beautiful kids but how can i solve this how.

Im 21 and still a  ( vrgn) im happy i didnt give it to him.
But i always scrunch up the word Virgin because i dont like saying it and i dont feel comfrtable.

But didnt he say earlier if the goverment made the rule diffrent .
I cant remember .
Think Kacy think.
Oh he said if i had weard the skirt outside i dont know what he will do to me....
Am i correct?...
Dont think so.
But let me wait one week till he is out of town and i will forget about him and wear a skirt.
I will really and should really do that?
Not sure.

Im 21 turning 22 soon should i take the risk of wearing skirt to school to teach kids because i dont find my dress comfrtable?

What should i do?
Im panicking as hell.
Ohhhh i know...
Call my friend Evanly Morks.
Beep beep...
“Hello this is Evanly Morks working at a fashion shop dresses how may i help you or how may you order?”
I was laughing and giggling i think she was i dont know.

“Evan its me Kacy your long childhood bestie”. Me and her always shorten our name or knickname eachother.
For example she calls me Kat for a nickname while i call her Evan for her short name.
“oh silly me my bestie,kat how are you doing its long time we havent talked,you know?”

She questioned you know.
I knew what she was going tk say now go out and drink beers or wine but i  will refuse.

I remember one time i drank i done things i would never liked to do.
Like jumping on my long black dress as i was dancing with my long dress i still hate now and i slipped .

“well you know me and my boyfriend broke up” i said to her through the phone .
“ohh sweetie tell me now why he broke up with you because im ready and surely ready to feed his body to a pig because he surely is a pig himself”

Evan really knows how to cheer me up which is good.
“okay i will explain it to you”

“go on im all ears” she said to me.

So i told her why he broke up with me from the begining till the end.
After that we gossiped because she got out of her work and told, her boss she needed to talk to someone . We chatted about our childhood crushes and the girls we used to hate when we were little .

Me and Evanly meet and became bestfriends when i was kindgarten you see their was this girl called Monica Tyona she bullied me for no reason.

Ok their was reason this will sound nasty i picked my boggey from my nose and licked it.
Then she started teasing and here came Evanly who saved my ass and told that girl to leave me alone,and stop being a bully .
From that time we  became bestfriend and as we grew,up we helped eachother .

“Kat why dont you forget about him and me and you hang out in a party” she said to me i can see she was smirking from the other side of the phone because i knew what she had planned if i had to forget about my ex-boyfriend.
She is oviously planning something wicked .
“no im not coming sorry” i said to her i wanted to make a lame excuse.

The next thing she said made me,agree. “Fine if you dont come i will bring the girls and kids you teach at school and me and we are going to grab you out of their and bring you to the party”.
“ fine i will come” i said.
“thats my girl”she,said happily .
“yeah yeah anyway im tired and thinking about what to wear tommorow see ya” .
“see ya gurl and be there”
I agreed and hung up.
Tommorow i knew what to,wear!
So how was this chapter next chapter coming out soon,comment vote and fan ,also might add picture next chapter.
I know this chapter was boring will get better .
And what is she going to wear to the party.hint the,story is called the girl who wore a skirt soo)
Anyway did you enjoy this chapter?
See ya!

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