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"Can anyone tell me what exactly the potion in this cauldron is?" Slughorn placed his chubby hands on his large belly, merrily glancing at everyone. Only one hand shot up, and that hand belonged to Ariel Verde.

To say everyone was shocked that Tom didn't raise his hand was an understatement. Tom didn't pay attention to the stares he was getting as he glared at the cauldron, jaw clenched and hands balled into fists.

"Ah! Ms. Verde! Delightful, delightful."
Slughorn practically sang, wiggling his nose. Ariel smirked slightly and answered.

"Amortentia sire. Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world," at that, everyone's attention was peaked, "despite it's rather misleading title, Amortentia doesn't cause real love, only an unhealthy obsession from the drinkers behalf. It has a distinct mother of a pearl sheen and it smells of different things to every one depending on what attracts them."

"Wonderful! 20 points to Slytherin! Now, come here Ms. Verde, tell us, what do you smell?" Ariel blushed as all gazes were on her. Hastily getting up, she strode to the cauldron. She took a whiff, and almost moaned at all the different scents infiltrating her nose.

"Rain, vanilla and raspberry, fresh books, and..." Ariel took another whiff, and a rather unique smell was found, "musk."

"Marvellous! Now everyone gather around." The scarping of chairs could be heard, Ariel still entranced by the smell. "That's it, single file now. Ms. Verde, you may sit."

Ariel walked back to her seat just as Darius Lestrange, an acquaintance of Ariel, walked up to the cauldron.

"I smell spearmint, broom stick varnish, fire wood, and cinnamon." Darius nodded, confirming his words. Ariel smiled, she knew he fancied her best friend, Ivy Willows, and she smelt exactly like cinnamon.

Everyone went up and commented on the scents they smelled. Ariel wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, she really didn't care. Ariel noticed that Tom was the last in line, a look of utter dread and disgust decorated his handsome features.

Once Tom's turn came, Ariel couldn't help but to be curious and listen in on what he had to say. He bent over the cauldron and closed his eyes. Unlike others, he quickly pulled away.

In truth, Tom hadn't smelled anything. He knew that would happen, but as he pulled away, he caught a whiff of the intoxicating and unmistakable scent of Ariel Verde.

'Vanilla and raspberries...' Tom thought. He dismissed the thought as he figured that Ariel must've used too much shampoo, making him smell it from where he stood.

Right before Slughorn could ask Tom was he smelt, class ended.

Everyone started packing up, and Slughorn shouted out the homework as everyone started filing out. As Ariel left, she could hear Tom and Slughorn conversing.

"So Tom, what did you smell?"

"Vanilla and raspberries, sir."

Ariel walked down the corridors of Hogwarts, pulling her robe closer to herself. She originally intended to study in the library, but it was filled to the brim with fifth years preparing for their OWL's. Ariel thought this was ridiculous. It was just the beginning of the year.

She was now planning on studying in the astronomy tower - if their wasn't a couple trading saliva in there, that is.

Once she reached the tower, Ariel set out her things neatly in front of her. Everything has a place, so everything should be in it's place.

It was an hour before dinner time when Ariel heard footsteps sounding up the stairs. Depending on how loud the sound of these footsteps were, it was obviously a male.

Her assumptions were correct, for in walked Tom Riddle, his hair combed neatly to the side. He raised an eyebrow inquisitively on seeing all the books scattered on the floor.

"Someone had the same idea apparently." Tom announced as he placed his satchel beside Ariel, after sitting down himself.

"The library was full." Ariel blankly replied. She really wasn't in the mood to talk to him now, or ever for that matter. He left her in the dust.

"I'm aware. I assume you're studying for the Transfiguration exam? It's ridiculous, how Dumbledore gives us a test on the first day." Tom seemed persistent in keeping the conversation going.

"Yes. And it's not ridiculous, it's an efficient way to start off the year." Ariel responded, her jaw clenched. She breathed in heavily, catching whiff of a familiar scent. "Why have you got Amortentia on you?" She asked, as she smelt the same scent she did in the potion. Musk.

"I haven't got any on me Ariel." Tom furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Ariel blushed as a thought ran through her head.

'I smelt Tom in the potion.'

"Oh, right." Ariel looked back down at her book, ignoring the penetrating gaze of Tom. She could feel him stare at girl with amusement settled in his deep, cobalt blue eyes.

He leaned in closer to her ear, and for the second time that day, he whispered something that made Ariel shudder.

"Unless, you smelt me in the Amortentia. If I recall correctly, you listed musk as one of your scents."

"I didn't smell you. I smelt..." Ariel searched her head for a boy, any boy, to use as an excuse, "I smelt Abraxas Malfoy."

Tom pulled away, scoffing as he got up. Ariel noticed this and got up as well. As she packed up, she felt tom press against her back, wrapping his arms around her waist. He then whispered something, once again.

"Abraxas smells of spearmint, Verde."

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