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Ariel sat beside Ivy as she ate her oatmeal. A conflicted smile was decorating her face, and her best friend noticed this.

"Something wrong?" Ivy asked, brushing a curly stray hair out of her hazel eyes.

"No... Nothing at all." Ariel sounded more like a robot than an actual human being. She started blankly at her food, her lips pressed in a thin line.

Ivy was about to call out on her friends crap, that is, until a certain cobalt blue eyed boy threw his arm around her best friend, and seated himself down beside her as if he owned the bench.

Tom pulled a smug little smile - that frankly made him look like a little shit - at Ivy who was glaring at him with all the hate in the world.
It was well known that Ivy Willows did not like Tom Riddle. And Ivy thought that Ariel felt the same way about him.
Not anymore.

"Mornin' Ri-" Ariel let out a forced cough once Tom glared at her, "Tom." She corrected herself.

"Good morning, love." Tom moved his arm off Ariel's shoulders and pulled out a book from seemingly no where.
Ivy kept glaring at Tom.
"You know Willows if you wanted a 'good morning' as well all you have to do is ask." Tom retorted once he saw the look of utter distaste on Ivy's face.
Ariel sighed, and checked her Tim Table.

• Breakfast
• Free Period
• Charms
• Defence Against The Dark Arts
• Lunch
• Potions
• Free Period
• Ancient Runes
• Dinner
• Midnight Astronomy

Ariel thanked the heavens she had an free period before Ancient Runes for she had not completed the essay assigned to her.
Tom glanced over to her time table, and his face remained emotionless.

"I have the same free periods. We can-" Tom reconsidered his choice of words for a moment, "we shall stay together. Maybe I can help with the essay you didn't finish."

"Ok Tom." Ariel lowered her head, so her silky hair curtained her face. She didn't know why she was following orders, especially orders from Tom! And how on earth did he know she didn't finish that essay?

Ivy threw her arms in the air out of frustration and stomped up out of her seat, and out of the Great Hall. Tom's eyes followed her until she was out of sight, then he turned to Ariel, who seemed to be smiling at someone.

Tom followed her gaze all the way to the Gryffindor table, where he saw a boy who goes by the name Kai Brigade. Tom glared at him, and Kai just glared back.

Ariel was snapped out of her daydream when Tom grabbed her wrist and hauled her out of the Great Hall. She struggled in his grasp, but each time she almost succeeded in pulling away, he would pull her back to his tall, glowering-self. Pushing her into one of the abandoned charm's classroom nearby, Tom slammed the door behind him.

He slammed her against the wall, her face meeting the height of his chest. Wasting no time, Tom tilted her chin up, exposing her neck, and starting sucking and nibbling on the patch of skin above her collarbone.

Ariel groaned in pleasure, and weakly put her hands against his shoulders, trying to push him away. That only succeeded in making him more persistent.

"You. Are. Mine. Only." Tom mumbled against her neck, Ariel only weakly nodded in response. This was sudden, all so sudden, and she hadn't had a clue on what to do.

"T-Tom... I thought we were only pretending..." She gasped, immediately regretting her words, for Tom pulled away and straightened his messy state.

"Right, I knew that. I just... wanted to remind you that along with being bring my supposed 'significant other', you can't go fraternize with someone else."

Ariel glared at him, about to correct him that Kai was just a friend, when the door was opened, and in walked Abraxas Malfoy.

Normally, Abraxas wouldn't be fazed. He would just suppose Tom was threatening another student. But the hickey on the girls neck, and Tom's hands on her waist, he knew something way more than threats were being exchanged.

And that's when he noticed who the girl really was.
Her shocked expression said it all.
His 'one that got away'.
His Ariel Verde.


A / N - I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, and I'm so sorry about this piece of crap filler chapter. Oh and, TYSFM FOR 340 READS AND 34 VOTES!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!

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