Moving to Alola

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//This is a quick authors note. It might be a bit slow in the beginning, but I promise it will pick up. There will also be cursing and a fee other mature moments. So, if you don't like any of those things, then I suggest not reading them or skipping over them. I will put disclaimers before the chapter starts. Enjoy!//

     I felt my heart beating in my chest as the ship began to dock. This wasn't my first time in Alola, but it was my first time alone there. Before this, I had come here when I was eleven with my older sister for about a week. That was when I met Burnett, we had become friends almost instantly and when I had to leave, we didn't lose contact.
     It's been a little over ten years since we've seen each other in person, but now.... I was moving there. Originally, I'm from the Unova region. She had told me all about this house on Melemele Island that was close to the beach and a small town, even if it was a bit secluded.
     Before she suggested me moving here, I had told her that I was stressed about things going on with my older sister. She said that it would be best for me to move to a less stressful place like Alola and I almost immediately took her suggestion. But, now that I was finally here, I was a bit nervous. I mean, I'm excited to see her and the Alola region, but.... what if things have changed? That's the only thing that I was scared of.
     The ship finally finished docking at the Melemele docking station and I grabbed my things. I made sure everything was in my backpack, including my pokeballs, before stepping off the ship along with my main Pokémon Banette. (Sorry, this is just one of my favorites and I might be choosing your team.) She stood close to me so that we didn't get separated. Just to be sure I wouldn't lose her, I put her in her pokeball then put it into my backpack with the others.
     Burnett said that she would be waiting for me outside of the ticket building. I walked to the door of the ticket building and took a deep breathe before stepping out. Immediately, I was greeted with the smiling face of Burnett along with a man wearing a lab coat... but no shirt under it. I disregarded the fact that he was shirtless as Burnett ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
"(Y/N)! It's so good to see you again! I feel like it's been forever since we've seen each other in person," she said as she lets me go from the hug. Burnett was a pretty tall woman with white, medium length hair. She was currently wearing a tank top, shorts with leggings underneath them and a necklace with a ring on it. She's more on the skinny side, but don't let that fool you, she's stronger than she looks.
"It's so good to see you, too! It really has been forever since we've seen each other. Sorry, I've just been busy with so many things.... but I'm here now! And I'm extremely tired," I say as I give her a lazy smile. She giggles softly as the man with the lab coat walks over to us. "Uhm, who is this, Burnett?"
"Oh! You don't remember? This is Kukui. My husband. I told you I got married." She looks at me a bit confused. I look at Kukui for a few seconds, then something clicks.
"Oh, yeah! He looks so much different from when you got married though... sorry, I just didn't recognize you, dude." I give a half-hearted laugh and hold out my hand to him. "Hi, I'm (y/n). Great to finally meet you!"
     He gives a hearty laugh and takes my hand, shaking it with a firm grip. "It's great to meet you, too, cousin! I've heard so much about you from Burnett," he says in a much deeper voice than expected. I smile and give a soft chuckle. "Oh! I almost forgot... Welcome to Alola! I hope you'll enjoy living here."
     I nod at him with a smile then look around, just then realizing that it was dark. "Hey, what time is it? It seems so much later than I thought." Kukui checks his watch.
     "It's nearly eight. We should probably get you to your new house. Come on. Yours is on the way to our house." He gestures for Burnett and I to follow him. The whole way to the house is mostly silent, aside from Burnett being excited for me being in Alola.

~~Time Skip~~

     We soon get to my house which is filled with boxes of my things. My couch and a few other things were also there and set up. After showing me my house and giving me my key, Kukui and Burnett tell me where there house is and say goodbye.
     They leave and I close my door and lock it before walking to my couch. I lie down on it and as soon as I do, my eyes are closed and I'm fast asleep. The day was over and soon my first day in Alola would begin.

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