The Second Day (Part 2)

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Soon enough, I reach my house and was about to walk up the stairs with the Wimpod when I hear a voice call my name. "(Y/N)! Hold on." I turn around just in time to see Burnett running up to me, panting loudly. She gives me a bright smile. "Hey! I got done with my research early. Now we can hang out so I can show you around."
"That sounds great! Hold on, let me just go grab something inside." She nods and I unlock the door and run inside in search of a pokeball. Eventually I find one in a drawer and take it with me outside. As I walk outside, I see Burnett sitting on the porch feeding the Wimpod pokebeans. "I see you've met my new little friend."
"Yeah, where did you find this little guy?"
"He actually found me. I was on my way home from the little town and he started following me." I shrug like it's nothing and kneel down in front of the big Pokémon. "Hey little guy. I found a ball. You wanna join my team?" As soon as I say this, I get a very approving noise from him as he starts wiggling. I giggle and throw the ball. After it shakes three times and makes a 'bing' sound, I pick it up and put it in my bag. "Welcome to the team, little buddy."
I hear a laugh from Burnett and smile as she walks down the steps. "Congrats on your first Alolan Pokémon, (Y/N)! Now, come on, let me show you around." I give her a firm nod and we head down the path back to the town.

~~Time Skip~~

Burnett had taken me around the island and showed me everything on it. And I mean everything... it took the entire rest of the day for her to show me around. She showed me the caves, the cemetery, the beach and even the small town of Iki. The only place she didn't show me was Hau'oli City and that's because I had seen it before. I have to admit, the entire island is beautiful and surprisingly populated.
After you two had gone everywhere and she showed you the island, you decided to head back home. "Hey wait! Why don't we go watch the sunset? It'll be the perfect end to your first real day here in Alola!" I roll my eyes and nod.
"Yeah, sure. Sounds like fun." She then starts leading me back through Hau'oli City, over to Route 2. As soon as we entered Route 2, she took me to a small grassy patch in front of the motel. We both sit down and watch as the sun sets beyond the sea. The sky became a beautiful pinkish-orange color as the sun slowly disappeared. Soon enough the sky was dark and the stars came out, twinkling brightly in the night sky.
"Well... it's late. We should going home now," I heard Burnett say, breaking me from my trance. She then stands up and stretches. "You coming?" I shake my head.
"I think I'm gonna stay here a bit. I like the fresh air. Plus, it's been a while since I got to enjoy this much freedom." I look up at her and give her a smile. She just giggles and hugs me before saying bye and walking off. I take a few deep breathes and lie down in the grass, smiling like an idiot up at the sky. "Oh.... to finally be free." After a few minutes of staring up at the stars, I feel my eyes start to close and I drift off into light slumber.
Nearly two hours later, my eyes flutter open and I'm greater with the gentle nuzzling of a Pokémon on my arm. I look over to see that my Wimpod had gotten out of his ball and trying to wake me up. I sit up slowly and yawn. "Did I fall asleep...? How long was I-"
Before I finish the sentence, I notice that I have a jacket over me. I pick it up and look around, trying to see who had put it on me. Nobody else is around and I frown as I look down at the jacket again. It's a black jacket with white zig-zagged stripes on the sleeves. It looked way too big for somebody like me, being somebody with quite a small body frame.
After a while of sitting there in confusion, I stand up and grab my backpack with my things in it. I stand there for a second, just holding the jacket. "Should... should I take it with me? I don't know who's it is..." I then look down at Wimpod. "What do you think, Buddy?" He makes a few soft clicking sounds then started scuttling around in circles. I nod and decide to just take the jacket with me and return later to hopefully give it back to the person who put it on me.
After a few minutes of walking, I end up back at my house and walk in. I immediately drop all of my things and head to my room to go to bed. I lie down face first in the bed as my Wimpod crawls up with me. As soon as my body hit the bed, I was out cold. Sleeping until another day of adventuring.

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