Exploring Akala

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     I wake up the next morning to the sound knocking on my door. I groan loudly before getting out of my bed and trudging over to the door. I open it up to a quite happy looking Burnett who's holding a tray with two coffee cups on it. "Good morning, lazy bones. I swear you sleep like a damn Snorlax! I was knocking for five minutes." All I do is give her an sleepy, but angry stare. She continues talking when I don't respond. "I brought you so Tapu-Cocoa by the way. I thought that it would-"
     "Wait... what the hell did you bring me? What's a Tapu-Cocoa?" I look at her like she's speaking some foreign language.
     "It's like a sweet coffee. Or hot chocolate. It's good. Anywho, I thought it would help wake you up so that we could start our day. I was thinking that I could take you to see Akala today since I have the day off." She gives me a pleading smile and I just give a tired chuckle and motion her into the house. She walks in and I close the door behind her.
     "Yeah, that sounds like fun. Just let me get dressed and grab my things, okay?" She nods as I head to my room to change.
     I go through my closet and eventually settle on just wearing a purple and black striped tank top and some faded blackish gray shorts. I also put on my purple high tops and beanie. (Yeah, sorry. I am picking out your clothes). I grab my backpack with my Pokémon inside and my dog-tags from my desk before heading back out to the living room to Burnett. She smiles widely at me as I walk over; she then hands me the Tapu-Cocoa. "Ready to go, (Y/N)?"
"Yup! Let's go. I'm so excited to see the other islands." We walk out of the house and I lock the door before we head to the dock to sail to Akala.

~Time skip to Akala~

     We finally get to Akala island and get off the boat. "Finally! We made it! Now come on, (y/n)! Let's go explore!" I laugh at her and nod as she grabs my hand, running down the street.
     "Slow down! I'm right behind you crazy!" We both just laugh and keep running down the street. "So what are we doing first?" She smiles and turns back to me.
     "We're going on a battle spree! Come on, it'll be fun!" And with that, we make our way into the slightly dense forest.

~Another time skip, because laziness~

     After a few hours of battling, we both decide to head back to the little shops by the dock. We're both obviously really tired from the battling, so we go to one of the restaurants to grab a bite to eat. We walk in and are greeted with many happy faces. "Jeez, I'm starving! Let's get some grub," Burnett says as we take our seats at an open table.
     We open our menus and pick out our dishes as the waiter walks over. We order our food and chat while waiting. "So... I got a quick question. What's up with those teens that are walkin' around and trying to take people's Pokemon? Who are they?" She stares at me, eyes wide and full of shock.
"(Y/N), stay away from them. They're bad news. They... they steal people's Pokemon, steal things from the centers, and they vandalize everything! They're freaking horrible! Please, promise you'll stay away as best you can."
I ponder this for a second, thinking about what she just said. "Okay. But if they come at me, I'm not gonna hold back." I smile at her ask she nods, a look of worry on her face.
"I'm serious, (y/n)... I know how you are. I know you got int a lot of trouble when we were kids."
"Oh, calm down! I changed. You know that..." I didn't sound so sure myself. I knew I hadn't changed much. She knew it too, so why lie?
While I was busy thinking about that, the waiter had brought our plates and told us to enjoy. We stay in almost as complete silence as we eat. After a few minutes, we finish eating and go to the counter to pay. "I got this," I say as I give the cashier my money.
"Alright, but I'm buying the next one! And you can't stop me." I laugh and nod as we walk back out of the restaurant and on our way back to the forest. We walk around for a bit, trying to find more people to battle, but can't find any. "Hey, wait! I have an idea. Why don't we split up and see if we can find somebody! We can catch up back at the dock in, like, an hour, yeah?"
     "Yeah! That sounds great." And with that, we go our separate ways in search of a challenger. I search for about ten minutes with no luck of finding anybody. Eventually, I just find a small clearing and decide to take a break, sitting in the center of it.
     After a few minutes of sitting there, I hear some rustling in the trees. I just blow it off, thinking that is just a Pokémon messing around in the bushes. That is, until I hear a gruff voice coming from the same direction. "Well, well, well... what have we here? A little bird away from the flock?"
     I turn around just in time to see a tall man walking over and squatting next to me. The man had white hair with a shorter black under-layer, he also had piercing gray eyes that had significant bags underneath them; almost like he hadn't slept in days. I also noted that he was wearing some pretty weird sunglasses on his head and a gold chain with an 'S' on the end of it around his neck. Not only that, but he had on some baggy pants and a white tank top. After looking him over, my eyes wondered back up to his beautiful gray ones.
     He noticed me staring at him because he smirked and snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Earth to, chick. Ya here, sweetheart?" I jump a little as he snaps me out of my trance and look at the ground in embarrassment. He smiles evilly and tips my chin up gently. "So... what's a pretty gal like ya self doin' in a place like this?"

//Cliff hanger for all of you! I hope you're liking the story so far! Sorry, I got kinda lazy with this chapter and that's why it sounds a little rushed. The next chapter won't be like this, I swear! By the way... we just met the big bad boss man! //

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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