The Second Day

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//By the way, if you ever see italicized text in the story, it's your thoughts. You aren't actually saying them, you're thinking it.//

I wake up the next morning to Banette shaking me and whining. I yawn and look at her. "What's wrong girl? Is everything okay?" She points to my phone on the table then looks back to me. I pick it up and realize there's a text from Burnett on it.
'Hey, chick! I just wanted to tell you that I have some work to do, but we can hang out when I'm done. That'll be around, like, 1:30. Until then, you can explore the island. It'll be great! Sorry to tell you on short notice... :( See you soon!'
I read the text and give a soft sigh. I then look at the time and groan loudly. 'It's only eight thirty.... guess I might as well get up though. This at least gives me time to unpack my stuff and go explore a bit.' I then jump up from the couch and head to some boxes. I open it up and groan again. "This is gonna take a while...."

~~Time Skip~~

After a few hours of unpacking- two to be precise- I sit on the couch and take a break. I sigh and look at the clock. "Only ten thirty... okay, I got a lot of time to explore the island. Might as well go." I then get up and go to my room to change. I put on a black tank top and some torn up white shorts. I also put on knee high black socks and white high tops.
I look in the mirror and realize something's missing. I look on my dresser and see my lucky necklace with my dog-tags on it. I smile widely and put it on before grabbing my backpack with my pokeballs and leaving my room. I grab my keys off of the counter and stuff them in my pocket. I then look at Banette and smile. "Let's go!" She cheers happily and follows me out of the house.
I lock the door and walk down the steps with Banette on my heels. We both head towards the small city of Hau'oli. Walking down the street, I notice some stores and a small beach front. I decide to go into the clothes store to get some new clothes and just look around.

~~Random Skip After Shopping~~

     I soon walk out of the store, satisfied with my purchases. As we're walking a few people say hi and others wave. 'People are so friendly here... it's nothing like Unova. I feel so much more.... welcome.' I smile at my stupid thoughts and head to the small beach. I stand on the beach and take a deep breath. "It's so beautiful here..." I mumble to myself.
After a few minutes of standing on the beach, I head back to the storefronts and toward the Pokémon center. As I reach the center I hear a child scream.
In front of me, I see two teenagers terrorizing a smaller child. The two teenagers were wearing black tank tops with white X's near the bottom of them, black shorts with white stripes on the sides, and white high tops. They also had necklaces with an S on them that looked like a skull, a white beanie and a mask that covers their mouths.
"Yo, kid! Give us ya Pokémon, or else," I hear one of the teenagers say.
"Yeah, come on, kid! Don't make us ask you again," I heard the other say. The child was now crying and holding onto its little yellow Oricorio for dear life. The boys step closer to the child and I take that as my cue to step in.
I put Banette back into her ball and run over to the child, stepping between him and the teens. The two boys look at me a bit shocked that I stepped in. "Yo, wha's the deal, lady?! This don't concern ya! Get outa 'ere," I glare at them and turn to the little boy behind me. When I turned to look at him, he had already taken off down the street.
     "What the fuck, chick?! You just cost us a damn Pokémon! Now yer gonna get it!" They both pull out their pokeballs and prepare to battle. "Battle us!"
     "Are you serious? This can't be happening...." I sigh and take out mine, also ready to battle. "Whatever... let's just get this shit over with."

~~Time Skip to the end of the battle~~

     The two boys look at me, shocked that they had lost so badly. "Y-yo, what the hell?! There ain't no way yer that strong! We're gonna tell our boss! Yeah, then you'll be scared!" They both then run off before I can get another word out. After they run off, I check my clock on my phone.
'Jeez... twelve thirty already? Where does the time go, man...' After checking my clock and coming to a quick decision, I head back towards my house to meet up with Burnett. On the way back, I think to myself. 'I wonder what those kids meant.... tell their boss? Who the hell could that be? Whatever, I might as well not worry about it. It's just a bunch of kids anyway.'
Before I get home I hear some rustling behind me. I turn around and see a little red and gray isopod on the ground; he was following me. "Well hey there little buddy. Whatcha doin'?" I walk over and scratch the top of his head. He seems happy that I did that and moves closer. "I gotta go buddy, sorry." I then get up and start walking again.
Right before I get to my house, I notice that he had followed me there. I sigh softly and pick him up. "Well... I do like walking buddies. You wanna come home with me? Maybe I have an extra poke ball lying around somewhere." He gives me an approving sound and I smile, continuing on my way home.

//This will be continued in the next chapter! Do not worry. Also, I know it's going a bit slow, but just bare with me! It'll pick up a lot soon.//

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