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A/N: So like I said I wanted to get this story done and get to the sequel I'm planning on writing and I'm planning on calling it 'Growing up' I added another character which is the daughter of my second favorite pairing Ramona (Mona Lisa and Raph) and here's what she looks like:

Her name's Irrilia and the creator is Myrling (Both tumblr and devianart username) So what her story is (Myrling created this one too) Raph didn't know about it then he got a call from Fugitoid and he took Raph to Salamandria which he met his daug...

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Her name's Irrilia and the creator is Myrling (Both tumblr and devianart username) So what her story is (Myrling created this one too) Raph didn't know about it then he got a call from Fugitoid and he took Raph to Salamandria which he met his daughter due to Mona's duties (haha) Raph had to take Irrilia to Earth and take care of her there there's a lot of funny comics about how the rest of his family found out so please check that out anyways on to the story!!!!

Leo's P.O.V.

I yawned and got out of bed, I kissed Karai's forehead lightly trying not to wake her up. I quietly walked out of the room and closed the door and went to the living room to see Raph playing with Irrilia. Donnie made Liz a retro-mutagan and she gladly took it and went back to her life...I think she just grabbed it and ran out of the lair. I mean Karai was okay with it. I walked over to Raph and Irrilia "What are you guys playing now?" I asked Irrilia looked t me and then threw one of the lego's she was playing with at me. "Yeah! Good job Irrilia just like Daddy taught you right!" she smiled and started throwing lego's at both of us Raph soon made her stop though. Mikey ran in and scooped up Irrilia who started laughing crazily. He then ran off to play with her. "I don't know if I should be worried or not." Raph said with a laugh. "She looks like she's a handful." I stated "Tell me about it." he replied.

"Who wants to play with Ice-Cream Kitty?!?!" I heard Mikey yell me and Raph turned to see what they were doing. "I o I o!" (Yeah I mean o not do I mean she's a baby says weird stuff..) Mikey grabbed him out of the freezer and put him next to Irrilia who grabbed Ice-Cream kitty and started to lick him "Ice cweam!" she yelled and started running around. "Now look what you did Mikey she's bouncing off the walls!!" Raph yelled and went to chase after his daughter.

April an Casey came in a few hours later. "Hey April!" Donnie said blushing. April walked by him and went instantly to Irrilia and picked her up. "Aren't you just the cutest thing!" April yelled and Irrilia just giggled I return.

Time skip to night...

Karai's P.OV.

I shook Leo trying to get him to wake up. "Karai it's the middle of the night can't it wait?" He said sleepily "Yeah, if you want me to hold this baby in!" I yelled in reply "Thank you! wait what!?!?" he jumped up grabbed me and ran to Donnie's lab thankfully Donnie was awake. "Donnie Karai's gonna have the baby!" Donnie nodded.

Raph's P.O.V.

I woke up to Irrilia crying I walked over to her crib picked her up and rocked her. "Push!" I heard Donnie yell. I curiously opened my door and saw Mikey guarding the lab. I picked up Irrilia who finally stopped crying and walked over. "What's going on in there?" I asked. "Karai's having the baby!" He said cheerfully I yawned and Irrilia started crying again. I walked over to the kitchen and set her don. I started to make formula. I heard Karai yelling and I groaned "This is gonna be a long night." I mumbled.

Shredder's P.O.V.

"I CANT BELIVE IT!!! MY DAUGHTER WENT BEHIND MY BACK AND HAD A BABY WITH LEONARDO!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. "Master Shredder you have been saying that for the past four months." Xever stated. "Please, tell me again how you figured this out." He nodded and began to tell me the story:

We were doing what you told us to, not hunt the turtles but spy on them. I was in the south when I heard Leonardo. He was talking to himself. "Five more months, Leo and Karai will have the baby, and you'll be a dad. Five more months." he kept telling himself.

I growled "Are you sure you hear him right?" I asked "Yes Master." he stated. "You may go." I said and he nodded and walked off. I smiled to myself as my first plan for revenge came into mind.

A/N: So I know its really short but I still made a chapter, can't wait to see what his revenge plan is. I don't even know yet to be honest, but it'll come to me. Anyways have and AMAZING day!

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