Idk what to call this part

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait!!!

Leo's P.O.V.

I couldn't breathe, my vision started to turn black he dropped me and I gasped for air and started a coughing fit. He laughed and picked me up by the shell. "You can always do another thing." I looked up to him "What's that?" I asked breathing heavily. "Join me." I would've laughed but I was trying to be serious. "No." I replied simply he threw me into the ground and roared with anger.

He walked away and there were screams and he came back with one kid in each hand. I glared at him full of hatred, he dropped Kiba in front of us but kept Irrilia in his hand. He started a long speech about what he's going to do and stuff but I wasn't paying attention to that, "Kiba." I whispered she turned her head towards me and started to walk over "Yeah?" she whispered in return. "Unchain me an mommy." I said and a big smile grew on her face and she did so.

He finished his 'Master Plan' and dropped Irrilia "I hope you were all listening." He stated, he was turned towards the rest of the group and paid no attention to us. "You Kame (Kame means turtle in Japanese) he said pointing to Mikey "I have a name you know, Michelangelo angelo's my middle name." Mikey said with the usual smile on his face. Shredder groaned in frustration. "There you go daddy." She said quietly "Thanks sweetie." I replied and she started to unchain Karai. I looked up towards the roof I smiled to myself. "I have a plan." I whispered in Karai's ear. I stealthily walked towards our weapons and grabbed Raph's sai. I threw it to a specific part of the roof and Shredder noticed and turned gladly before he could do anything I ran as fast as I could and pushed everyone out of the way.

A part of the roof fell on him (I know realistic right? Only thing that I came up with in my hollow head.) We all dashed out and headed towards the sewer even though we had to wait for Raph to get Mona Lisa out of the cage.

Time Skip....

"You two are in BIG trouble!" Karai stated, Kiba and Irrilia looked down. "Were sorry." Karai let out a small laugh "You think that'll get you out of this?!?" Raph yelled "You almost got your father killed!" Karai exclaimed. "W-We just wanted to kick some shell!" Irrilia said trying to act as innocent as possible. "I know a punishment." Raph stated. "What is it?" I asked "You two cannot go to the surface until you were our age when we first went."

I have to admit, it was kinda harsh but if it would keep them from not getting hurt I'll do it. Wow, is this what Splinter felt like? I nodded in agreement Karai hesitated but agreed. Mona took the most time but also agreed. "We'll have to wait until we're 85!" Kiba exclaimed and Raph looked dumbfounded "How old do you think we are?" He asked "125." Irrilia said simply "I don't even have gray hair!" Karai argued "Because you're 12 mommy." Kiba said

"I don't think I would have a kid with a 125 year old mutant while I was twelve." she said picking up Kiba. "Even if it was me?" I asked pouting and trying those baby eyes that Mikey always uses. "I don't know, you'd have a lot of wrinkles on your perfect face." She said and kissed me "Mommy daddy! That's for your bedroom!" Kiba stated and we pulled away, I could feel my face getting red.

Time Skip....

"Oh! So we have to wait till we're 15?" Irrilia asked finally understanding. "Yeah." Karai replied "Only 1 more year!" Kiba said with excitement. "N-No 10 more years." I said with a yawn. They looked mad "This better be a dream!" Irrilia demanded stopping her foot and walking of to her room. Kiba soon did follow.

"Maybe we were kinda harsh on 'em." Karai said while laying down in the bed. "They almost got us killed! If this is what will make them understand that they need to be more responsible then so be it." I replied "And when you guys went to the surface for the first time you were responsible?" She said with a chuckle.

"Well you don't really know our first time on the surface." I said with a smile and she looked at me curiously.

We were only five, Raph and Mikey were watching this one TV show. Raph and Mikey started talking but Donnie and I who were in the kitchen couldn't hear them. Suddenly they both ran out of the lair, we went after them and they went up to the surface. Once we got up we all noticed how beautiful it was, but Raph was carrying something and he and Mikey ran off. Once we caught up to them we saw that they were toilet papering houses. It looked pretty fun so Donnie and I joined in. The next morning Splinter saw the news and was furious.

She chuckled "I didn't think you would join in." I smiled "Bad boy." she whispered in my ear before we both drifted off to sleep...

A/N: So I published the sequel and will update it soon HAVE AN AMAZING DAY

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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