Human Habitat

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HELLLOOOOOOOO!!! I am here to update stories! Lets get this started!!!

Roy found out quickly that the little gold dragon he had brought in liked to bite. It was playful though, Roy could tell. He didn't mean to draw blood. And it seemed, if he realized he'd drawn blood, he'd have an almost guilty look on his face, and would nuzzle Roy's hand as if in apology. But it couldn't be possible that the dragon knew he'd done something wrong, right? He's just an animal.

He'd named the dragon Sparta, what with him attacking or at least growling at anything that moved until he decided if it was a threat or not. It was actually almost funny. But Roy wouldn't ever let Sparta catch him laughing. If looks could kill, Sparta would probably be a mass murderer.

Sparta had a routine it seemed. He'd wake Roy up around four o'clock every morning to be fed. His method of waking Roy up was the most undesirable way to be woken... It involved getting bit in a place that no man should have to suffer getting bitten in. Sparta only did it just enough to hurt, never to leave a real mark, but it still hurt like hell.

"Ow, Ow!" Roy groaned, "Okay, Okay I'm up!"

Sparta chirped happily and crawled up onto Roy's chest where he bumped his head against Roy's in gratitude before hopping off the bed to make his way toward the kitchen.

Roy sighed. The dragon was an insufferable little brat, but Roy liked him anyway. The man got up to follow the gold dragon to the kitchen. He pulled out a pork tenderloin that had been defrosting in the fridge over night, slapping it down on a plate in front of the dragon. Sparta took one look at it before attacking it with vigor. When he finished, he trotted up to Roy, who was eating cereal tiredly at the kitchen table. He pawed at the man's leg, asking to be picked up. Roy complied, bending down to pick up the little dragon, he was unusually small, even for a dragon, and set him on his lap then continued to eat his cereal. Sparta apparently decided that he didn't like that Roy was paying more attention to the food in front of him than he was to him, so he nosed his way under Roy's hand that was holding the spoon, splashing cereal and milk, all over the place.

"Hey! Stop that!" the man said, surprised.

Sparta didn't listen and continued to nose his way under Roy's hand. Roy eventually sighed and smiled gently, scratching the dragon's head, hearing him purr quietly with content.

Ed had stayed long past his wing healing, Roy just didn't want him to leave. He knew that if he sent him back to the dragon hunters, he would be killed and skinned for his scales. Sparta didn't deserve that, he really was a sweet dragon once Roy had gained his trust.

Roy's day in his clinic started at seven o'clock when his first appointment came in. As the bell on the door jingled, Sparta started from his sleep on the reception desk, growling softly. Roy silenced him with a hand on his head. A mother and her daughter walked in with their dog in tow. Sparta coughed in disgust, dogs were slobbery annoyances in his opinion, and Roy smiled wryly at the dragon's reaction. As Roy took the dog and the mother into the back room for the dog's check-up, he told Sparta to behave. The mother was worried about the dragon biting, but after being reassured that Sparta wouldn't bite and was trained well, she followed Roy back. After they left the girl approached him curiously. Sparta eyed her warily, he didn't like kids. Many had pulled on his tail and wings but he wasn't allowed to bite them or Roy would be mad. Thankfully she didn't make a grab for his wings or tail, she just watched him with amazement.

"I've never seen a dragon up close before..." she whispered to herself, "Didn't Dr. Mustang say your name is Sparta?" she asked.

Sparta (AKA Ed) snorted and the girl giggled."I guess you don't like your name very much,"she said with a smile. She reached out her hand tentatively, unsure of how he'd react but when her hand got close enough, he just pressed his snout into her palm.

"Wow..." she breathed, "You're amazing."

Edward puffed up with pride, of course he was amazing! Why would he be anything but? The girl scratched the top of his head gently and he purred.

He decided he wanted to sit on her lap so he jumped down from the reception desk and onto a chair which she promptly sat in the chair next to it. Once she did he immediately climbed into her lap, curling up and closing his eyes contentedly. She smiled and stroked along his back, between his wings. He purred at the contact- it felt so good! It was so entrancing that he soon fell asleep.

Edward woke up to the girl whining to her mother, she still had Edward in her lap, which was very comfortable if he said so himself.

"Mom, why can't we get a pet dragon?" She whined.

"How many times do I have to tell you? They don't sell pet dragons, Liza! They're not safe!"

"But look at Sparta, he didn't bite or anything! He's basically a cat, just he has scales like a snake."

Ed coughed a little at being compared to a cat, but it didn't bother him too much.

"A no means no Liza, now come along."

Liza sighed and followed her mother out of the clinic, though not without giving Ed a scratch behind the ears and a promise to come back soon.

After Liza left, the day was mostly uneventful, until a mother and two teenage boys walked in. Edward narrowed his eyes at the two boys. He sensed that he shouldn't trust them. As their mother walked back with Roy, their dog was supposed to have a surgery today so it would be a couple of hours. He was left alone with the two boys. Both boys grinned maliciously as they approached him and Edward growled in response.

"Oh look, the at the little lizard," one said, "He's so cute."

Before Edward realized it the other boy had reached out quickly grabbing him by the snout and tying it shut with something, Ed didn't know what, but he did know that no amount of shaking his head would get it off. The boy's laughed at his attempts before picking him up roughly. They dropped him to the floor, disorienting him. Edward had barely any time to recover before he felt a foot connect with his side. He slid across the floor from the impact, hitting the wall hard. The boys approached him, both kneeling down in front of him taking hold of his wing.

"I wonder how hard it would be to break a wing," he said casually before he started slowly bending the wing at a painful angle.

The pain blinded Edward's vision with white specks as he whimpered pitifully, his golden eyes staring up at the boys with a fearful look. His wing had only just healed and they were going to break it again! He let out a muffled screech from his tied-shut mouth when his wing snapped.

Fiery pain coursed through his body as the wing was snapped. He couldn't tell which one of the boys was which anymore, due to the black and white spots obscuring his vision, but at the sickening sound of bone snapping as a easily as a twig in two, they gave him another violent kick.

He could feel blood trickling out of his nose and mouth as they continued to kick him over and over and over. He finally gave in, the last thing he saw being Roy showing the mother of the boys and their dog back into the waiting room. And he saw the horrified shock on his face as he laid his eyes upon Edward. After that, Edward gave into oblivion and blacked out.  

Hallo again! Here we go, there's the chapter, Yay! So Sparta is what Roy names Ed since you know Ed's a dragon he can't exactly talk and tell Roy his name right now. XD I hope you guys liked this and hopefully I will update again soon!!!


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