Chapter 1

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Hey babe." Rachel said, standing on her toes to peck Sam on the lips. He smiled at her.

"Hey baby." He said."So, what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Well, I wanted to show you something in the basement. My dads just got it."

"Nice, let's go." He started walking towards the basement without any hesitation, which caused her to laugh. She followed closely and he almost jumped a foot off the ground when everyone yelled,

"Surprise!" He chuckled and raised an eyebrow at Rachel.

"What is this?" He asked.

"It's your going away party of course!" Kurt exclaimed, pulling him towards the rest of the group.

"Guys, you didn't have to do this. Me leaving isn't that big of a deal."

"Um, yes it is Sam." Finn said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"You're our brother and we're gonna miss you." Mercedes said. Sam smiled.

"Thanks guys." He wrapped his arms around Rachel.

"Alright guys, no more moping around. I know we're all sad that Sam is leaving, but that doesn't mean we'll never see him again, right?" Everyone nodded."Okay then, good. Now, let's play 'Truth or Dare!" They all got in a circle, everyone next to their significant other.

"How do you want to start?" Mercedes asked.

"Uh, I don't know." Rachel shrugged. Sam laughed and stood up.

"I'll be right back." He said and went back upstairs. He came back down holding a plastic water bottle.

"Don't fall." Puck said, snickering. Sam scowled at him.

"That was one time and because you pushed me, shut up." Puck laughed. Sam sat back down beside Rachel and put the bottle in the middle.

"It's just like spin the bottle babe, you spin it and whoever it lands on will choose truth or dare, obviously, and then you ask them or dare them to do something. You know how it works." She laughed and nodded.

"Yes, I do." She spun the bottle and it landed on Puck."Truth or dare?" She asked, giggling.


"Okay. I dare you to..." She thought about it."Type a text and close you eyes and send it to a random person." He grinned and took his phone out. He did as he was told and someone's phone dinged. Santana took her phone out and everyone looked at her. She opened the text and,

"What the fuck, Puckerman!" She smacked him hard on the back of the head. She glared at him and went back to sitting next to Brittany. Puck snickered.

"What'd he say?" Rachel asked. Santana huffed and then read it out loud.

"Wanna hear a joke about my penis? Wait, nevermind it's too long." Everyone burst out laughing and Sam and Artie high fived him, but Rachel smacked Sam on the arm, but gigggled.

"What? Be happy I didn't send that cause I'd make sure it'd be to you." She blushed and he laughed.

"My turn!" Puck exclaimed, just realizing it, and spun the bottle. It landed on Mercedes."Truth or day, 'Cedes?"


"What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you at a grocery store?"

"Hm...Oh god." She covered her face, remembering."One time, a year or so ago actually, I went into the grocery store to pick up some things for my mom, and I got a basket and started putting stuff in it, right, well, apparently, they were closed and I didn't know it. I was so embarrassed." She said. Everyone laughed.

"If they were closed, then how the hell did you get in?" Quinn asked.

"The doors were unlocked as if they were open."

"Well that's their fault then." Finn said. Mercedes shrugged, but giggled. She spun the bottle and it landed on Sam.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to get up and yell 'yeehaw' like a lunatic and hop around and pretend you're about to wrangle a bull." Sam burst out laughing.

"That'll be easy, I've done that before." He said. He got up and started jumping around the circle.

"Yeeehaaaw!" He yelled, waving his arm around as if he was about to throw a rope. Rachel got a video of him doing it on her phone and showed him as everyone else was still laughing. He laughed loudly.

"Thank you for recording that." He said, grinning and kissed her cheek. He spun the bottle and it landed on Artie. For the next thirty minutes, they played truth or dare, and then for the rest of the night they did karaoke battles.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

The next morning, well, afternoon, Sam woke up before Rachel. Everyone had gone home late that night, but they stayed up later. He just stared at her, taking it in. She moved slightly and groaned, realizing her legs were tangled in the sheets and could hardly move them. She opened her eyes and looked around and started kicking the sheets off her. Sam chuckled.

"Babe." He said.

"What?" She asked sleepily.

"You might want to cover up." He said. She looked down and immediately grabbed the sheets and covered herself back up and giggled, blushing. He laughed and hugged her to him.

"I'm gonna miss doing this on the weekends." She mumbled into his chest.

"What we did last night or waking up together in the mornings?" He asked.

"Both." He chuckled and rubbed her back.

"Me too." He sighed."You know I'm gonna come back and visit as much as I can, right?" He asked.

"I know, but I'm still gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too." They laid there for a few more minutes and Rachel said,

"We should probably get up and get dressed before my dads come in." He laughed and nodded.

"I completely agree." He said standing up. They got dressed and went downstairs to make something to eat.

"Well, it's about time." LeRoy said. Rachel blushed and Sam laughed.

"Did you have a nice party last night, Sam?" Hiram asked.

"Yes sir. It was fun. I just wish it wasn't a going away party." He kind of mumbled the last part but they understood him. They smiled sadly at him.

"You're breakfast is in the microwave." Hiram told them.

"Thank you dad and daddy." Rachel said, kissing their cheeks and going to get their breakfast as Sam got himself and her some juice. They spent the rest of the day together. First they went out to lunch, came back and played games and watched movies, just enjoying alone time together before Sam left. When the time came for Sam to leave they sat there for a few minutes hugging each other, not wanting to let go of one another. They finally let go, Rachel having tears streaming down her face.

"Hey none of that, I'll be back to visit before you know it. This isn't a goodbye it's more like a see you later."

"I know, it's just gonna suck not seeing you everyday."

"I know what you mean but we'll get through this together. We'll text, call and skype all the time."


"I've gotta go now, I love you."

"I love you too!" They kissed one last time and then Sam left.

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