Chapter 2

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Monday, October 17, 2011
3 ½ months later

"How should we tell him?" Mary asked her husband.

"I think we should just go right in his room, jump on his bed, and then tell him." Dwight answered a split second later. She laughed.

"Dwight, you remember what happened last time you jumped on his bed." She said, looking at him pointedly. He looked down bashfully.

"I broke it."

"Exactly, and he had to sleep on a mattress on the floor for a month." He grinned and she rolled her eyes."Let's just wait until he gets up." She said. Just then, there was a loud bang and a couple minutes later, Sam came downstairs rubbing his arm while Stevie followed behind him laughing.

"Not cool bro, not cool." Sam mumbled.

"What happened?"

"Stevie came in my room and scared the hell out of me and I fell off my bed." Sam said. The 9 year old burst out laughing again. Mary looked at Dwight, who was laughing.

"They get that from you." She said. He frowned and glared at her playfully. Mary patted Sam's shoulder.

"Go back upstairs, Stevie, we have to talk to Sam about something."Mary said and Stevie went back to his room. Sam sat at the table with Dwight and Mary sat down next to Dwight.

"Am I in trouble or something?" Sam asked. Mary chuckled.

"Sam, you're usually never get in trouble."

"True. What's up?"

"Well, you know we're renting this house, right?"

"Uh, no."

"We didn't tell you?" Dwight asked. Sam shook his head."Oops."

"Well, we are. Your dad's job required him to move here for three months."

"Since when?" Sam asked.

"We didn't tell you that either?"

"No, you didn't. Jeez, mom, forgetful much?" She scowled at him and he laughed."But no, I didn't know that."

"Well, it's been over three months now. We've been saving money, and your dad got a huge bonus check the week we moved here."

"That I knew about."

"Well, we put that in the bank and haven't touched it."

"Okay." He shrugged.

"Do you know what we're getting at?" Dwight asked.

"Not a clue." He said."I just woke up, and I'm tired. I didn't get home until late last night."

"We know that, and guess what?"


"You don't have to work anymore."

"Why? I want to help you guys." He said.

"Because we don't need it anymore." Dwight said.

"We are truly grateful for all your help, Sammy, but it's time for you to go back to being a teenager." Mary said."And you know what else? We don't have to stay in Kentucky anymore."

"We don't?"

"Nope. We could move anywhere now, since the two months are up."

"We could move back to Nashville, we could move to New York if we wanted to." Dwight said. Sam raised an eyebrow.

"And we could surely move back to Ohio." Mary said, grinning at Dwight and winking at him. Sam didn't catch what she said at first, but when he did he almost fell out of his chair.

"We're moving back to Ohio?" He asked.

"There's a house, right down the road from Rachel's house, that is the perfect size for the five of us, and at a good price that we can afford. Hiram called me the other day and told me about it."

"Are we moving back, yes or no?" Sam didn't care about the house she was talking about, he just wanted to know if they were moving back. She laughed and nodded.

"Yes sir, we are!"

"You're not shitting me are you?"

"Sam!" Mary exclaimed and Dwight snorted.

"We're not, son."

"Sorry mom, I'm just excited." He said, brightening up."I get to see Rachel!"

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Two weeks later

"Girl, would you stop moping around already?" Kurt asked. Rachel was sitting at the piano, her hand in her cheek, looking like she was bored. She looked at him.

"What do you expect me to do, Kurt? My boyfriend is currently in Kentucky, and all the girls except for Quinn and Tina have quit New Directions to be in a glee club directed by my birth mother. Am I supposed to be all happy go lucky? Not to mention I've been throwing up everyday for the last couple of weeks." She scowled at him.

"If you've been throwing up then why are you coming to school?" Mike asked.

"Because I can't ruin my perfect record of being absent." She responded.

"Uh, okay." A second later, Mr. Schue walked in, grinning like a lunatic.

"Well, I think I know how we can cheer her up." He said, looking at Rachel. She sighed.

"I love it when you sing, Mr. Schue, but singing me a song won't cheer me up."

"It's not me singing. Come on, let's go to the auditorium." He said. Everyone followed him and sat down."A certain someone found out that you weren't very happy, so said person decided to record a video of their self singing to make you happy." Mr. Schue said, grinning. She raised an eyebrow but nodded. There was a big screen in front of the curtains. Artie messed around on the controls and Sam's face appeared on the screen, a wide smile on his face.

"Hey baby! Kurt told me that you were sad, so I want to sing this song to you. I miss and love you, and I'll see you sooner than you think." He smiled at the camera and started strumming his guitar.

Bluest skies don't seem so blue and the stars seem a little dimmer too.
Now that you're around you put em all to shame
Let me break it down cause what I'm trying to say
No one gets me like
You when you kiss me
Girl you rock me harder than some downtown band

I thought I knew what love was but I didn't have a clue
I never found anything that makes me feel like I do about you
Got a whole new direction seems these days
I used to rush off to work and get home late
But now I show up late and rush back home
My priorities are different I can't leave you alone

No one gets me like
You when you kiss me
Girl you rock me harder than some downtown band
I thought I knew what love was but I didn't have a clue
I never found anything that makes me feel like I do about you

The screen slowly began to rise and the curtains opened, revealing a grinning, singing Sam Evans. Everyone's jaws dropped and Rachel covered her mouth, tears coming to her eyes as he continued singing.

Girl if you ever get to guessing
If I'm thinkin bout you
Just remember that
No one gets me like
You when you kiss me
Girl you rock me harder than some downtown band
I thought I knew what love was but I didn't have a clue
I never found anything that makes me feel like I do about you
Ohhhh youuuuu

Sam hardly got a chance to put his guitar down when Rachel ran and jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. He laughed and hugged her back, just as tightly. She pulled away and put her hands on the sides of his face.

"I can't believe you're actually here." She whispered.

"Well here I am." He smiled and she kissed him passionately. He kissed her back and the guys whistled. Kurt got it all on video. Sam put her down and wiped her tears away.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She said, and he kissed her forehead.  

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