Chapter 4

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

The next day, Sam got his schedule, and he had classes with most of his friends. Rachel was in four out of seven of his classes. Throughout the day, he and Rachel acted like they normally would, although Rachel was quieter than usual. They were both nervous about the appointment after school today. They wouldn't be able to go to Glee club, considering the last bell rings at 3:11 and they have to be at the doctor's office by 3:30.

"Mr. Schue, can we talk to you?" Sam asked, the two walking into his office.

"Of course." He shut the door so everyone in Glee club wouldn't be nosy. "What's up?"

"We won't be able to attend practice today." Rachel said.

"Why? Sectionals is in a couple of weeks and we need to get our heads in the game."

"We understand that, Mr. Schue, but I have to go to the doctor." Rachel said.

"Is it about you getting sick? I heard you telling Kurt about it."

"Um, kinda." She said."We're going to see if..." She bit her lip and looked down at her hands. Sam grabbed her right hand.

"We're going to find out if she's pregnant." Sam said. Mr. Schue's eyes widened slightly.

"Oh." He said."Well, take as much time off from practice that you need." He said."And if you need anything at all, let me know, okay?" They nodded. They left, managing to get around all the questions from the Glee club. Once at the doctors they only had to wait for about 10 minutes before they called Rachel's name. After the normal questions and having her weight, height, and blood pressure taken, she peed in a cup and then they were taken to a room that had a monitor in it.

"Just hop up on the bed, sweetie, and Dr. Daniels will be in soon." The nurse said. Rachel nodded. She sat back and put her hands on her forehead. Five minutes later, there was a light knock on the door and a man in his late fifties came in.

"Hello, Rachel." He said. She gave him a small smile and sat up."What seems to be the problem today?"

"I think I'm pregnant." She said. He raised an eyebrow.

"You think you're pregnant?" He asked. She nodded. "Honey, you are pregnant. I could tell just by looking at you when I walked in."

"Really?" She whispered. He nodded.

"Don't be embarrassed, sometimes you can just tell that someone is pregnant by the way they act and look. Plus you're not the only teen I see everyday." He said. He looked at Sam, who was biting his lip."Are you the dad?" He asked. Sam nodded.

"Sam." He said.

"It's nice to meet you, Sam. I've known Rachel for a couple of years now." He said."Now, when was the last time you had sex?" He asked.

"July 31st." He raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" The two nodded."Well, let's take a look inside, shall we?" Rachel sat back on the bed and pulled her shirt up. Sam stood beside her, trying his best not to start crying. Dr. Daniels put the gel on her stomach and moved the wand around. After a couple of seconds, he said,"Let's see if we can hear the heartbeat." After a couple more seconds, there was a tiny, yet strong heartbeat sounding across the room.

"Oh my god." Rachel couldn't hold her tears anymore. She covered her mouth and started crying, looking at Sam. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, slowly brushing her hair away from her forehead with his hand. Dr. Daniels handed her a tissue and she wiped her eyes, still crying. He moved the wand around some more and then pointed at the screen.

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