Tony The Clock x Reader

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 ~Requested by @JBileth1234 Hope you enjoy!~

     You sat around listening to the sound of your clock. Listening to the quiet ticks and tocks it made. When you suddenly heard a strange sound come from the house connected to yours. You looked over to the wall before walking over and pressing your ear against it. It sounded like...singing? The last time you heard the singing come from over there when you went to check on them, everything was bloody and covered in glitter with the three who lived there, laying on the floor, their heads way too big for their bodies while they muttered something about creativity. You thought it might be a good idea to go check on them now.

     At this point, the sounds you were hearing sounds more like screams. You walked out of your door and knocked on theirs and the moment you did that, everything went silent. The door slowly creaked open and Manny stood there, looking quite like he had just come out of a horror film. His eyes had been stretched along with his nose and his face looked quite shriveled and terrified. You gasped and looked around. The other two looked a bit different but still looked like they had come out of a horror movie. In the middle of the room stood a fine looking gentleman, he appeared to have navy blue skin with a red stripe across the bridge of his nose. He had black hair with golden yellow ends. As you walked in, you noticed everything go dim and a red light flashes from above as the blue-skinned gentleman stood watching them. You stood watching in horror, unsure of what to do. Once you got your brain back, you flipped the lights back on, watching everything go back to the way it should have been immediately. The blue-skinned man looked at you; no one had ever done anything like that to him before. He saw something in you, he saw loyalty and courage. He walked up to you.

     ~ TIMESKIP ~

          You and the blue-skinned man, Tony, had gotten along quite well. Harry, Robin, and Manny had also managed to get to know him and you all had become great friends. Soon, Tony decided to return to his place on the wall. You bid farewell to the three who lived there and went back to your own house.

~Timeskip to that night~
     You had just finished dinner and you were watching a movie when you felt a presence next to you. You looked over but no one was there. You thought it was from how tired you were so you decided to go up to bed. You fell asleep rather quickly and dreamt about Tony. You woke up around 2 am feeling another presence and as you looked around you came face to face with Tony. You jumped and screamed. He covered your mouth quickly.
    "It's only me." he said.
    "What are you doing here?" you asked, quickly.
    "I feel the need to protect you." he replied.
    You stopped before hugging him. He sat there a bit shocked but hugged back. You fell asleep in his arms. He picked you up and put you back in your bed, but you wouldn't let go, so he was forced to sleep in your bed with you.

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