Sukor Tashan- YoU aRe MiNe -10

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vimli and tejaswini are superb happy..... flash back is shown how they get to know about kn-rag-jan plan

tejaswini came to ragini's room to call her for dinner,ragini was busy in call with their family lawyer and did'nt notice tejaswini,ragini also called some men and told them to bring chakor tomorrow to haveli after hearing this teju rushed to vimlis room and explained everything,they were shocked to know that sukor are planning to divorce......vivaan promised teju that they will unite sukor any how.....vimli went to the lawyer as the lawyer was loyal to kn with no option left imli came to him in her hitler avatar ,they blackmailed the lawyer and found out a way to stop divorce and bring them together

suraj : i don't want to stay with this girl!
chakor : i am also not intrested to stay with a jerk like you
suraj : i told you before bandhuva cat,don't race your voice its my house
chakor : i also told you that i am not anyones bandhuva......
suraj : ohh really,you can hide this mark with the scaf but you can't hide the truth..... the truth is you were ,you are and you will be a bandhuvaa.....
tears are flowing down from chakor eye but more than her suraj is hurt,he wants to hurt her but by doing this he himself is getting hurt

vimli was shocked hearing all this they have no idea that what happened suddenly which turned everything upside down......kasturi was crying seeing chakor's state and bhuvan was consoling was in trauma wheather they would make chakor stay ! after seeing they fighting like mad they thought there won't be any problem if chakor stay here and they can add more fuel to their fight and can have fun......
kn : suraj ,you stay with this girl for 3 months......
suraj: but i don't wan't to .......he shouted at him,everyone got scared
kn : only 3 months then you will be free from this girl,think suraj its for your own good!
suraj thought ,its really a good oppurtunity to make her life worse than hell, i will give her such pain that she will never ever forget in her entire life......its payback time ,you have hurted me badly chakor now its your turn,welcome to lions den,you will be hunt slowly but badly ...........he thought while smriking
suraj : yaa papa you are right.
kn,ragini and ranjana smiled
chakor shouted: but i am not ready to stay with you
suraj : who asked you your permission ?don't you know bandhuvas don't have right to take decision they can only obey .....only obey
kn,ragini and ranjana were laughing hearing this...
chakor was about to leave haveli ,when suraj hold her hand ...she turned and they have an eyelock...."you are leaving huh got scared or what? he said while holding her hand tightly and she is wincing in pain " you only wished for divorce right, allow me to fullfill your wish " he said looking at her .
chakor : i just don't wanna be with you

Suraj : i am also not dieing to be with you.....i am stuck with you.......i thought you got scared? or i guess you have started having feelings for me that you are backing off from divorce.....
chakor : neither i am scared of you nor i have any feelings for you
suraj : then proove it ...stay here
chakor looked at bhuvan and kasturi ,they also noded in +ve so chakor said: okay....
suraj pointed towards the room.....chakor with full on attitude walked to the staircase followed by suraj ,now they ar walking together giving death glare to each other
sukor are having their telepathy ,i mean they are talking through mind after reading what each other is thinking
suraj in mind : welcome to my hell wifey! i will make your life hell
chakor in mind : we will see who makes whose life hell dear hubby!
suraj in mind : i will break your guts
chakor in mind : i will break your nuts
suraj in mind : let's see
chakor in mind : you just wait and watch what i do
they reach their room and suraj was about to step into the room when chakor pushed him aside entered the room with full swag while suraj stumbles and holds on to the door.....chakor then turned back and looked at him
chakor in mind : how was my first dose and smriked at him
suraj in mind : Now its my turn and glared at her

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