Mission Secret Girlfriend 💏

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Sorry for the short updates 🙏 . shortage of time peeps..I reach home late from college so bear with these chotta updates

Let's begin :

Suraj left the room leaving a shocked😉 and disheartened chakor💋.
He then took his Jeep and drove to Godown to check on the goods arrived as insisted by Vivaan ,cause Vivaan is busy with imli😉

Mean while at sukor Room :

Chakor was sitting on the bed fully embarrassed and was hitting her head with pillow

Chakor's pov :

Oh god how will I face him now, what will he be ,thinking about me 🙈🙈 ....I'm such a stupid,why did I even said that loudly...😭😭....urghh ,stop thinking about it chakor ..forget it.. nothing happened.. nothing..just a kiss 🙈..and that to where😏? ..on forehead 😒😒.. seriously ?on forehead,idiot😣... such a phattu he is😑...now a days which husband kiss their wife's on forehead?...I think only he is, still stuck in 90's....my fate🤦..what else..poor me😭...forget this chakor, now focus on that secret girlfriend😈....you have to find out if there is such a bitch 😠or not....if there is one ..she is dead by God....I will burn that monkey faced gorilla girl into donkey...but first I need to find out where Suraj is going? What if he is going to meet her😱😱 Noooo!!!....get to work chakor😎..mission secret Girlfriend on💪..but how?🙄

Pov end

Chakor was roaming around her room finding a way to know where Suraj is upto

Chakor to herself : Got it😉💡💡...Devils..they will surely know where Suraj is going to😉.. saying this she went in search of them

Chakor : whaa chakor you had your jogging searching for these two in this haveli😰.. don't know where these two disappeared suddenly...and that to in early morning 🤔 ...

Tejaswini who was passing by heard her

Tejaswini : you won't find the love birds😉 here,vimli had gone out for a date..

Chakor : ohoo..( chakor was happy hearing this ,she was very happy for her sister & bestie..those two are made for eachother.. two pagals ..suddenly her smile turns into a smrik😉...
ohh God Finally.. Finally you heard me ..got something to tease these two devils😉 ..date & all huhh😜 won't spare these two ..both had great fun teasing me & Suraj naa ...now it's my time to take revenge😜.... chakor then had her virtual evil laugh😝😝)

Tejaswini : what your thinking chakor ?

Chakor : Nothing maa,By the way maa, do you know where Suraj has gone?

Tejaswini : No I don't know beta,he didn't tell me anything

Chakor : okay then .. saying this chakor left to her room disappointed.

Chakor to herself: Now what?? I guess now only one way left to find out🙈🙈 and that is to hear it from the horses mouth .. saying this she looked at her phone helplessly 😭...and dialed

Suraj was driving happily when his phone beeped..and seeing the caller his smile widened more♥️
He picked up the call soon😉

Suraj : Hello

Chakor : Hello

Suraj : haan chakor! Whats up?Why you called? You need something?😜..I mean he then made a sound of kiss💋💋

Chakor was blushing like hell hearing this..she remembered how close they were ..and Suraj kissing her.. suddenly she came out from her thoughts..

Chakor : chii chii you shameless..I don't need that

Suraj :ohho look who is calling me shameless...rember who was very desperate in the morning 😉

Chakor : I am not desperate and I don't need that okay

Suraj : wait 🤔! you don't need that? you don't need what chakor

Chakor : that

Suraj : what

Chakor : kiss you ape

Suraj :What? Kiss? but when did I say i'll give you a kiss

Chakor : you said it just before

Suraj : Really?

Chakor then rembered he only made a sound🤦 your gone now chakor😭😭..urghh I hate him!

Chakor : I forgot actually..

Suraj : Ohoo..but I remember you saying something in the morning 😜..that I didn't 💋💋 he again made a kissing noise😂😂

Chakor was now fully red..she couldn't bear it more..there is a limit to blushing too ..she had exceeded it already

Chakor : I didn't say anything okay..leave that ..tell me where are you going?

Suraj : why should I tell you?

Chakor : Because I wanna know 😒

Suraj : Why you wanna know

Chakor : urghh..that's none of your business 👿👿

Suraj : Same to you..saying this he cut the call

Chakor : what the....urghh..how dare he cut my call.. stupid monkey donkey fool👿👿👿..why can't he just say where he is going...😭😭Mission secret Girlfriend failure😤..but I won't give up so easily 💪💪


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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