You are mine sukor -13

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Precap : sukor njhok- jhok (floor romance)
vimli seeing sukor in a very intimate and awkward position

vimli was standing there with their mouths open seeing the scene infront of them...soon their shock turn in to a smrik..

Sukor stood up and looked at each other shocked and is having their telepathy (talking through eyes)

Suraj : we are dead now ,it's all your fault motti

Chakor : really idiot ? Who pulled me ,you right😏

Suraj : who started? You right😏

Chakor : what will they think of us
Suraj: 😭😭😭

imli : ehmm ehmm.. imli said breaking their telepathy

Sukor looked at vimli with a worried face,they forgot that these devils are standing here only

Vivaan : sooo, what's going on here😉 ( vivaan is saying about seeing them together on top of each other)

Sukor together : nothing like you guyzz thinking

Imli : ohooo😉 so you two know what we were thinking😜

Vivaan : ahaa,then tell na what we were thinking ,right imli

Imli : yaa , Didi tell Na what I was thinking.

Chakor : actually imlu I forgot

Vivaan : ohh chakor you forgot, it's alright suraj is there na,he will tell us, right bro😉

Suraj : meeee😱😱😱😱

Vimli : yaa you!

Suraj : I....
Suraj looked at chakor with puppy eyes for help

Suddenly chakor said : he too forgot actually ,right suraj

Suraj nodded his head like a good boy :yaa I too forgot he said with a relief

Vivaan : imli , I guess it's up to us now😜

Imli : ya baby let's remind these Alzheimer's what they have forgot and smirked at him.

Sukor looked at them confused but before they could grasp anything imli pushed chakor towards suraj ,both sukor were now on floor with chakor on top of suraj as before

Vimli : Now you guys remember something, vimli said in a teasing tone,sukor were so embarassed chakor was blushing like hell and suraj was scratching his head and smiling like an idiot.
Both vimli was laughing hard seeing their siblings state

Imli : Get a room both of you

Sukor mouth was wide open hearing this ..they were dumbstruck actually..

Vivaan : "hahaha..right..have some privacy at least " (vivaan too joined his wife teasing them.)

Imli : Right!

Vivaan : "Thank god we only saw the trailer of your Ramleela , poor us we will get spoiled seeing all this"..he said dramatically

Imli : I guess we should only arrange everything for these two

Vivaan : Anything for my little chakor

Imli : No it's little suraj okay

Vivaan : No it's little chakor only 😈😈

Imli : how can you be sure it can be little suraj also

Vivaan : same too you😈😈

Imli :back to you😈😈

Vivaan :No return😈😈

And they start fighting..
Our poor sukor was seeing all this with their mouth open..they were so embarassed..suddenly they turn and both face each other ,suraj could sense her shyness he was also feeling shy..chakor looked at suraj ,for the first time she saw his cheeks turning..her heart skips a beat💕Their thoughts were disturbed by Vicki's fight

Sukor : Shut up you two😈😈😈

Sukor were fuming in anger

Vimli gulped in fear😶
Imli : are we in trouble

Vivaan : I think so

Imli : then what are we waiting for ,let's escape

Before they could go sukor held their ears and made them do sit-ups for troubling them

Imli : I'm done with this exercise and that too in midnight saying this she sits on floor itself

Vivaan : me too saying this he also sits on floor

Sukor was sitting in sofa .. four of them looked at each other after a sec all of them burst out laughing

Vivaan : you two are heartless you guyz made us do exercise in midnight

Chakor : oyii hello you two also troubled us okay

Imli : whatever😅😅

Suraj : okay guyzz let's sleep it's already 2'O clock

Vimli : yaa

Chakor : but suraj where were you till this time ?

Suraj : I was with......he was about to tell then he thought something and said .."why should I tell you ?"

Chakor was really hurt by his words , she was hell worried about him whole day and he does'nt even find it necessary to inform her where he was + his cold reaction

Suraj continued :you are so eager to get divorce from me right,then why these un necessary question...wait are you having a change of mind😉 he said with a smrik

Chakor was baffled by his question ,a min ago suraj was rude to her saying why should he tell her where he was ,now he is asking did you have a change of mind..he is smriking too his eyes were having a sparkle the same spark that he had lost...Is his smrik a mask to hide his real emotion? Is he trying to know something from me? May be he is trying to know if I have a change of mind..she was finding a ray of hope ,she was happy....but why? Why am I happy?

Imli : didi? Where are you lost?

Chakor : what?

Sukor : I was asking are you having a change of mind?

Chakor : Why should I change my mind for someone like you

Suraj : Thank god other wise I had to bear your bak-bak life long.

Chakor huffed in anger and left to room

Vimli after making sure that chakor had left smirked at suraj smiled at them sheepishly

PRECAP : Suvimli 💕💕💕

I know this chapter was not that good i will try my best to make the next one better😊

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