Chapter One

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[Author's note: I've really been debating whether to upload this or not and I've been wanting to write a Destiel AU for a while. English is not my first language, but I really enjoy writing in English though. So please note there probably will be some mistakes, feel free to point these out so I can correct them and learn from them.]


"Class, silence please! Good, this is our new student, Castiel Novak. Is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?" the English teacher asks as she looks at the boy. He doesn't say anything, and he isn't planning on saying anything either. "Well, take a seat then."

Castiel glances at an empty seat all the way in the back of the room. He walks towards it and sits down. "Are you Russian? You don't look like the mafia type, Cas." a voice sounds. The teacher is too busy talking about Shakespeare to notice this. Castiel, who's slightly irritated by now, turns his head to see a guy with a pretty face and a leather jacket giving him a smirk.

"No, I'm not Russian nor mafia. And my name is Castiel." the blue-eyed boy replies with a serious look on his face.

"Well, Cas, lovely talking to you, you seem like a very fun person. But I think I'm just going to pay attention to what our lovely teacher is saying. Oh, and my name is Dean by the way."

"You'd rather listen to a dull 40 year old than to me?" Cas asks, he's a little offended. Dean looks like he's a douche, but he does have a gorgeous face. Cas shakes this strange thought off immediately, he isn't gay or anything.

"Hmm. I don't know. I think our English teacher might be more fun than you." Dean teases, he sees the boy next to him rolling his eyes. "You don't agree?"

"No, I'm not the most exciting person in the world. But hey, I'm more entertaining than her, right? And you don't seem like a school person, so that makes it even more offending. " Cas defends himself.

"Prove me wrong then." Dean smiles, he stares at Cas for a little too long but looks away as soon as he catches himself.


"What are you doing on Friday night?" Dean could punch himself right now. Why did he say that? He sounds like a 14 year old girl with a crush. What if Cas gets the wrong idea? He isn't crushing on Cas, Dean isn't into that kind of thing.

"Nothing, I guess." Cas says, but on the inside he's freaking out. Is this some kind of stupid joke of the popular kids? Why would Dean ask that? What's happening?

"Eh." Dean is speechless, this rarely happens, but Dean Winchester didn't know what to say. He feels a blush creeping on his cheeks. The guy's blue eyes make him nervous. A voice inside his head tells him to man up and stop acting like there was something behind it. He isn't into men, he never was and he'll never be. "You wanna hang out on Friday?"

"Sure, I 'wanna hang out' on Friday. I'll prove you that I can be a fun person too." Cas whispers, trying to lower the volume of the conversation so their teacher won't notice. The two boys stared at each other for a few seconds before Dean interrupts the silence.

"Ok, I'll pick you up at seven." Dean announces. Cas nods and writes down his address.

The next thirty minutes crawl by, Dean and Cas don't say a word to each other. Every now and then, Dean looks up from his book to glare at Cas. The boy looks concentrated, his beautiful eyes flicker while he reads and his lips softly move along with the words he's reading. For a split second, the thought of pressing his own lips against Cas' shoots through Dean's mind. He tries to fight thoughts like this, he wants to stop thinking about the guy like this, but he just can't push it away.

When the bell rings and the torture that is English class is finally over, Dean sprints out of the class as quick as possible. Cas grins a little, he'd never seen anyone who had such struggle with reading Shakespeare as Dean did. Every time he looked up from his book, Dean was nervously tapping his fingers or sighing out of irritation. It was kind of cute actually.


Dean presses his lips against Anna's. She's new, she's pretty decent looking and she has flaming red hair. He always had a weakness for redheads, but this time he just... He doesn't feel anything. But how do you tell a girl that you don't feel anything, while you're standing in the middle of the hallway making out. So Dean just goes for it, even though the image of Castiel Novak keeps killing the vibe.

Cas strolls through the hallways, he can't find the science class and he doesn't really want to find it either. He just watches students walk past him, not acknowledging his existence. He doesn't have many friends, the only people he really talks to are his family. Until today, when Dean Winchester decided to start a conversation in a kind of rude way. But Cas knows that he'll ruin it eventually, just like he ruins it with everyone. He'll just be the lonely, nerdy kid again afterwards, like nothing ever happened. So it doesn't really matter anyway.

When he walks around the corner, Cas' eyes fall on Dean immediately. He's easy to recognize, especially when... When there's a red-haired girl all over him. His heart drops a little when he sees that Dean is full on making out with his sister. Not because he's feeling protective over her, but because he wants to be in her place.

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