Chapter Nine

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Castiel lays on his bed and he's close to falling asleep. It's somewhere in the early afternoon and he's home alone. His dad is at a bar and all his siblings are at school. It's the last day of his suspension, to Castiel's relief, since being expelled is just plain boring. He listens to the Led Zeppelin album Dean lent him as he stares at all the stuff in his room. His bedroom tells a lot about him. It's very clean and there's a Star Trek Original Series poster on one of the nicely painted white walls. There are some pictures of nice memories on his desk, which would always remind Cas of better times. He has a pretty big bookshelf and it's stuffed with mostly books, but also CDs and merchandise. He owns a small closet since his choice of clothing isn't that varied. And then there's his notebook and a pen, lying on his nightstand. That little book was very important to him, he wrote in it very often. It isn't really a diary though, because what he writes down is mostly fiction. Next to the notebook lays the drawing Dean made of him. He isn't really planning on handing it to the teacher, it's way too beautiful to just give away in exchange for a grade.

Just as his eyelids become heavy and he drifts off in his own thoughts, Cas hears a door swinging open and then closing with a loud banging noise. He quickly looks at the clock and realizes school isn't over yet. He stands up and stumbles out of his room.

"Dad?" he asks and his voice echoes in the big hallway.

"Oh hello Castiel." someone mocks dad and Cas recognizes his true identity immediately.

"Luke?! What are you doing here?" Cas sounds pissed off and slightly scared. His brother has been acting extremely weird lately and he shouldn't be here.

"Uh, I live here?" Luke reveals himself as he walks up to the stairs. He looks tired, but he wears a grin on his face.

"Go away, dad kicked you out of the house."

"But dad's not here right now. And I thought you wouldn't be home either, don't you have to go to school or something?" he speaks as he climbs a few stairs.

"I got suspended."

"You? Suspended? Wow." he says with a sarcastic tone.

"Just leave, please." Castiel sighs and steps back towards his room.

"Listen up, you little-" his brother was close to yelling, but then he gets interrupted by the front door swinging open. Dad walks in, he looks slightly drunk.

"Luke, get out of my house." he mumbles, not even raising his voice.

Luke turns to his father and gives him a strange look.

Cas feels a discussion coming up, so he just does was he always does. He runs away. He sprints back to his room and closes the door behind him as he hears his two family members scream at each other. Arguments happen a lot in this family, but this one is pretty bad. Cas turns the music louder, but it can't conceal the shouting. Then he looks at the clock. Fifteen minutes until school's over for his siblings, and Dean.

Castiel opens his bedroom window and he smiles for a second, he has the one room in the house where it's incredibly easy to sneak out of the house.

He makes his way to the ground with the biggest ease because he has done this many times. Then he grabs the bike that's always standing behind the big tree on the even bigger driveway. As he cycles away from his house, he recalls the route to Dean's. Cas has a good memory and the house isn't too far away, so within ten minutes he arrives. He assumes that nobody's home, so he just sits on the doorstep as he waits.

After another ten minutes, an Impala drives onto the driveway. Dean steps out of the car, and his younger brother follows.

"Cas, what are you doing here?" he asks as Castiel stands up.

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