Wonwoo (Seventeen)

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*This will include abuse, please read at your own risk. If you're sensitive to this kind of thing, I would recommend you leave now. I don't mean to make anyone look at their Idols any different. It's purely my dark imagination (and some of yours) so please don't take these (the imagines themselves, not the problems because they are real problems) seriously*

My back hits the wall with excess force. I fall to the floor, curling in on myself as Wonwoo loomed over me. He was fuming. I never understood how he could get so angry.
I coughed softly, blood dripping over the corner of my mouth onto the floor. I looked up at him. No words leaving my mouth. If I spoke, he'd only beat me worse. His teeth were barred and he was huffing.
Tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't stop them. No! It would just make it worse. I hid my face in the carpet.
"Why are you looking away?! Look at me!" He kicks my stomach and I groan softly. "You make me sick." He sneers softly. With one more kick, he walks away.
After he leaves and makes his way into our room, I slowly try to stand. My ribcage hisses at me with pain. I fall back to the ground.
Wonwoo wasn't always like this. He loved me. We had been together for seven years and married four of those. Ever since he got back from the military early for mental issues, he has been excessively violent towards me. I personally think I deserve it. He has wanted a child for two years. But I can't seem to bear a child.
We'd try time and time again but to no avail. He's started to take it to heart. He thinks I don't want a child so I'm killing them. But I'm not.
No matter how many times I tell him, he doesn't believe me.
I finally stand up and head upstairs. I walk into our shared bedroom. He is sitting on the bed, watching TV like nothing happened.
"Get cleaned up." He spits, throwing a towel towards me. I nod silently and head to the bathroom.

The hot water runs over the purple bruises on my skin. They don't hurt anymore. I look down at my stomach and legs. They're covered in scratches and bruises. Another tear slips from my eyes. I wipe that away with my wet hand and wash the rest of the blood from my face. I start bathing my body when I hear the bathroom door open.
My heart jumped in my chest and my breathing picked up. I hated feeling afraid of him. I once loved him. But I only feel fear whenever I'm around him. 

"Baby~?" His voice is suddenly soft, almost cooing. 

"Yes, Wonwoo?" I say, hesitantly.

"You know I love you right?" His words burned more than the water. My heart faltered. I cried softly, no sounds audible. "Right?!" He repeated aggressively.

"Yes. I do. I l-love you too, Wonwoo." I almost whisper. The curtain pulled back and he stepped inside. I closed my eyes tightly when I felt his hands touch my body. Goosebumps were left where his fingers touched. My breathing was shaky as I expected the worse. I was shocked to feel a delicate kiss on my shoulder as his arms wrapped around my waist. I gulped when his arms tightened around me, the hold applying slight pressure to some bruises. I knew what he was trying to do. So I just stood there and allowed it to happen. 

The next week went by uneventfully. I did whatever I could to make Wonwoo happy. Sometimes failing but he never got physical with me. Much to my elation. When I got home from work one day, my stomach dropped at what I saw on the bed. 

A pregnancy test. 

He wanted me to try again. I sighed and took the test with me. My knees grew weak as I feared what could happen if the test read negative. I'm not a very religious person, but I prayed to whatever God that is out there for good news. After taking the test, I waited that agonizing 20 minutes for the result. When my phone timer went off after what felt like hours, I slowly looked at the test. My heart almost burst when I read the stick.


I cried extremely hard, dropping to my knees in happiness. Not long after, Wonwoo arrived home. After I told him the news, he smiled.... After so long, he finally smiled at me. I saw something change in his eyes and I felt things might actually go back to the way it used to be. Or at least I hoped.

After a month passed since I got the news, I started to feel unwell. I figured it was morning sickness but it seemed to get worse by the day. I was at work when I got hit with a strong wave of nausea. I rushed to the bathroom, leaving my client. When I got to the bathroom, I no longer felt nauseous...but I felt like I was going to faint. I fell to the floor, my head hitting the cold, hard linoleum. 

All I remembered hearing was the panicked voice of my supervisor and some loud ringing. Before I finally lost consciousness. 

Soon after, or what felt like soon after, I woke up in a hospital bed. I looked around confused. Until my eyes landed on a figure sitting in the corner with its head down. It was Wonwoo. I was suddenly extremely afraid. 

"You're awake, huh?" He somewhat growled. 
"Uh...w-what happened?" My voiced squeaked. 

"DON'T PLAY DUMB.." He yelled before softening his tone. "You know what you did." He stood, smoothly. He walked toward me, eerily slow.

"Wonwoo?" I asked, realizing I'm unable to sit up for the pain in my abdomen was too much. 

"Don't speak. I'm tired of your voice. You keep doing this to me! Its all your fault!!" He yelled, lunging for my throat. I gasped when I felt his hands touch my throat. I gagged, my hands going to his. I felt extremely weak compared to him. The medicine they were giving me were really strong. All I could do was grab at his large hands and squeak out pleads. I was genuinely pleading for my life. He had a murderous rage in his eyes, I had never seen before. My vision started to grow black and fuzzy around the edges. My throat and lungs burned from the lack of oxygen. My body went weak when I finally gave up. 

I finally gave up on him.

On us.

On whatever we had.

On myself. 

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