The Plane Ride and California?

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Travis dropped me off at the airport and walked with me before I left. "Tr-" I was cut off by the very loud speaker saying, " flight 2-b has arrived all passengers on flight 2-b to California, please board the plane." "Well that's me" I said with sad tone in my voice along with an expression. "T-t-ravis I'm really going to miss y-you!" I sad crying  so hard I could barley talk. "I'll miss you too Y/N and I will never forget you." I could tell he was trying not to cry in public. "Oh my Irene Travis stop trying not to cry just do it." I felt a drop hit my shoulder and I knew Travis was crying now. I don't care I saw people looking at us like we were super weird and judging us. If people want to judge let them judge as long as I get to spend these last moments with Travis before I leave for California. "All passengers for flight 2-b to California, the plane will take off in 5 minutes." "I should go now, bye Travis I love you and I'll call you when I get there. No matter what time it is you better pick up."
Travis's POV
" I will" I said to Y/n as she walked off towards the gate to the plane. (I think that's what it's called I don't know I've never been on a plane.) I started walking back to my car and go back home thinking about Y/n and how I won't see her for awhile, until one of us visits the other. I got to my car and started driving its pretty late and dark out. I started thinking about the idea of Y/n forgetting about us and end up being with someone else. My vision became blurry as tears started filling my eyes by that thought.  I started to pull over so I didn't end up in a crash since my vision was still blurry. Next thing I knew, I ended up getting hit by a drunk driver. (Why I could tell it was a drunk driver was that they started swerving and was on the wrong side of the road).  I woke up in the hospital seeing everyone there except the one person that I wanted to be here, Y/n.
We got to California and I decided to call Travis and tell him I made it here safely. As I was about to call but then I got a call from the hospital. I answered it super concerned. It was about Travis he got in a car crash. I took out my phone to see any planes to go back to Lovers Lane. I called my roommate, (since I didn't have any money to live by myself) Blaze.
B-Blaze Y-you
B- hi, Y/n what's up
Y- the sky
B-that is so old Y/n
Y- I know but I had to anyways my boyfriend got in a car crash so I was wondering if you could bring the rest of my stuff to the house, I'm going to stay in Lovers Lane until he gets out and I'll end up staying there a week after he's out also.
B- ok I can do that
Y- thank you so much Blaze I really appreciate it
B- your welcome so will you make it there ok, do you want me to go with you.
Y- actually yea, only so you can meet my other friends.
B- ok see you in a little bit then
Y-ok bye
Blaze's POV
So yeah I know she's fine on her own but I just feel like I need to be there to protect her just in case. Y/n is 1 year older than me, I'm 22. I will do anything to protect anyone. I put my own life before others. I tend to be very playful often. I will be aggressive at times, but I'm very skilled in all areas when it comes to fighting. The moving van arrived and I started to unpack and take out Y/n's stuff so when she gets here we can go on a plane to Lovers Lane. I saw her car pull up and she got out and helped me bring everything in, I didn't have to pack a bag so she said she would buy me new clothes or her friends would borrow me some. We got our plane tickets and waited to get on the plane I could tell she was super worried about him.
Y/n's POV
I thought it was super nice of Blaze to offer to go with me to Lovers Lane. I was siting in a chair and I saw the tall black haired male, who reminded me a lot about Zane because they both had their hair covering one eye. He also has a golden brown eye color which also reminded me of Aph. As if Zane and Aphmau had a kid, even though how weird that sounds it's true, minus the fact that he is tall like 6 foot eleven or something like that. He sat next to me and I just gave him a smile he smiled back we've known each other ever since we were in middle school. It was finally time for us to board the plane back to Lovers Lane I was excited everyone got to meet Blaze. Also the fact that I get to see everyone one last time until I come back or if I come back.
Blaze's POV (yeah yeah I know I had this like not to long ago but oh well)
Y/n and I were on the plane waiting to leave when Y/n got a phone call.
Y-heh Aph what's up
Aph-um well when do you think you'll be here?
Y- idk we just got on the plane and we're waiting to leave, why what happened?
Aph-we don't know if Travis is going to be ok.

So that's it for this chapter idk if I will add another part or just end it here.
*30 minutes later
Ok I have decided that I'm going to end it here bye everyone thanks for reading and if you did enjoy this book go ahead and request it and vote on it! (Jk you don't have too!) bye!!!

Be sure to check out the sequel when comes out if you would like to!

now goodbye

How I Fell In Love With Him (Travis x Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now