The Incident

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She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, away from him. The trees blocking most of the light. Still, it didn't deter her from running faster, her leg burning from the amount of strain she put in her body. The sound of twigs and small branches breaking was the only thing she could hear. She stopped to recuperate, spotted a hollow in a tree big enough to fit her. She started to gather small branches of leaves to cover her hiding spot. Her legs hurt to much to continue. She decided that she'll continue running tomorrow.


As he approached her door, he felt his stomach churn. Something was wrong. He hurried to her room and looked for her everywhere. He noticed that the window was open. He was sure that had been locked. He sighed in irritation as he went back to his room to change clothes. He knew the forest like the back of his hands. There should be a clearing about a mile north of the house and a small forest of dead trees where they used to train east of the house. The trees had hollows big enough to fit people as they were the ones who made that so he decided to check there first. She is in so much trouble, he thought as he headed to the forest.


The sound of breaking branches was getting louder and louder that she woke up. He heart started hammering in her chest as fear enveloped her body. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" He said in a singsong tone. "Sweetheart you better come out before I lose my patience."

The sound of leaves crunching became louder, closer to where she's hiding. "Little one, you do know dead trees don't grow leaves, right?" he said more, but she couldn't hear what. Her vision blurred as she felt her body lean forward and fall as darkness sorrounded her.


Her backside stinging, she woke up restrained on the arm of the sofa in her 'bedroom'. Another sting broke from from her trance as she fought back a scream. She knew that it would only result to more if she did. The force of the whip coming in contact with skin grew. She couldn't stop the scream that she released as the whip stung her backside in a rapid succession. "P-please stop!" she cried, as the whipping got worse. "You thought that you could leave me huh? Well this is what happens when you try!" The sting go worse until her throat was raw from screaming. She felt hands wrap around her throat, constricting her air. His laughter was the last thing she heard until darkness sorrounded her.


At first, she could only hear wisps of words




The whispers grew louder just enough to hear a coherent sentence

Little one, calm down!

It's just a nightmare!

A nightmare? Where am I? What's going on?

Let go!

Let go of what?

She could barely breathe, she needed air, her lungs burning

She wished she knew the person inflicting pain on her.

Then she realized that it was her. She was the one inflicting pain on herself.

But the question is why? Why would she hurt herself? She is already in so much pain as is.

Why? Why let her get carried away from the chaos, pain, troubles surrounding her?

Why? It's so funny how many times she'd ask herself that question.

It seems like she'll never get her answers

She took a deep breath, she didn't let go. Is this her last breath? Is this how it's going to end? Her, being the reason why she's finally letting her enemies win.

Deep breath in

She closed her eyes, she can feel the sticky liquid slowly dripping from her throat. She knew what it was. Even though she can't see it. She knew it was blood. Her blood.

Deep breath out

She asked why, why would she inflict pain like this?

It hurts

It hurts so much

Deep breath in

Her eyes stayed closed, it seems she forgot the air. She forgot her surrounding. She forgot her state.

Deep breath out

With a small smile, she ceased breathing.


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