Where It All Started

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Grey's POV

It has been almost a month since the incident. Dr. Tredmont said that she should be awake by now. I don't know what she was dreaming of that made her do what she did, but I hope that I can help her somehow. When she stopped breathing for that short while, I thought that I'd loose her. I can't loose her. But for now, all I can do is wait. I haven't left her side since Dr. Tredmont checked up on her. That was about a week ago. I need reassurance that she'll be alright. I don't want her waking up alone. I want to be there for her.

Khaleesi's POV

I can't move

All I can see is black

I couldn't help but think back to where it all started. The root of my current predicament.


It all started when my mom went ill. We didn't know that she had it until it was too late.

"Mom, why didn't you tell us?" I sobbed.

"Honey, you would've stopped college. I just want you to have a good life. You'll have a hard time looking for a decent job if you don't finish studying" she caressed my cheek, her hand dropping from the effort.

"We'll find a way, sweetheart." My dad told me. He's been working three jobs at the same time since we knew of mom's condition.

I've already told them that I can work part time at a coffee shop near the campus, but they both refused. My mom said that I shouldn't worry myself about her. That I should just focus on my studies.

I was in my senior year, studying Research. We were almost done with our project but I couldn't focus. All I could think about was my mom. Is she alright? Why her? She didn't do anything to deserve it.

"Hey K, you alright?" My teammate, Josh, asked.

"Yeah, you've been out of it girl. What's wrong?" My other teammate, Jayleena, asked.

"I'm fine, just thinking about my mom." I said.

"She'll be fine, K. We know your mom is strong." Josh replied.

"Yeah. If you want, you can go home now. We'll take care of these viruses." Jayleena added.

"You guys sure? Make sure that the colony cou--" I started

"Yeah, yeah. We know ma'am, make sure that the colony counter is free of viruses after we use it, secure the specimen, and autoclave everything. Make sure that nothing is contaminated." Josh said, mimicking my voice.

I giggled, Josh always knows how to cheer me up.

"Ok. I know you guys can handle this virus. See you on Monday."

"See ya" they replied simultaneously, then laughing.

I shook my head, hoping that Mr.Salonga doesn't see them like that.

You guys, I'm still alive 😂 sorry for not updating, We're trying to make that friggin software somebody helppp 😭 while trying to finish up our SIP😫 anyhow, here's a little something for you guys! see ya next time!


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