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"Mom? Dad? I'm home!" The girl called out as she entered their home. Walking further in, she noticed that a few things were out of place. Strange. She caught sight of a note on the coffee table just as she was retrieving her phone.

Khal, your mom was admitted to the hospital earlier. Please eat something before you leave.


It was written sloppily, as if her dad was in a hurry or panicking. Probably a mixture of both. She thought. Deciding to take her father's advice, she grabbed an apple from their fruit basket before proceeding to make her way to the hospital.


Her stomach churned as she neared the hospital. I hope mom is alright. This has been her second home as of late that she knows the names of the nurses and doctors, even Jake, the security guard, that keeps to himself most of the time.

She was attacked by a bone crushing hug from her sobbing brother as she stepped inside her mother's room.

"Hey, what happened?" She asked worriedly as she rubbed his back in a soothing manner. "Is mom ok?"

"She's... She's getting worse." Her brother, Axel, choked out between sobs.

"She'll be fine." She whispered, not sure of she was trying to convince Axel or herself. "She's strong. She'll get through this, we'll get through this." She glanced around the room, not spotting her father anywhere.

"Where's dad?"

"Went somewhere... Didn't tell me."


"Oh, OK then. You should get some rest, you look like you need it."

"Nah, I'm good. I'm going to go buy some food, what do you want?" He said, drying his tears as they parted.

"Anything will be okay. I'm not that hungry, Ax."

"Alright, it might take a while though. I'll go buy us some Jollibee."

"Now that you've mentioned it, I'll like some fries, make it extra large, and a coke float please." She said in the cutest  voice she could muster with her puppy eyes.

"Alright, alright! Gee, I swear you're addicted to potatoes!" Axel muttered the last part to himself.

"I can hear you, ya know! And what if I am?" She said in a sassy tone. "Be thankful that's the only thing I'm addicted in! I could be addicted to--"

"Alright! I'm getting your precious fries, Khal. No need to go in a rant for some friggin' fries" Axel muttered.

"Thanks Ax! You're the best!" ^_^

"Yeah, yeah." Axel muttered to himself.


Nathaniel's POV (Khal's dad)

I have no other choice. The doctors said she might survive if the new therapy that they're working on, well, works. Eventhough we would only pay half the price, it was still expensive. Not to mention the hospital bill. I've pulled some strings from a few friends for this. I can't just let my wife die without trying to do something about it. James said that there was someone willing to lend me some cash, with interest, of course. It's not like I can borrow from anyone else. Even with three jobs, I can barely get my family through the week. Khal is even insisting that we let her work. She should focus on her studies, especially now that they're almost done in their project.

I know it's practically hopeless, but I just can't let her go.

(A/n: So, uhm, I'm not dead yet! ^_^ sorry, this month is hectic as hell in school... Had our exhibit in Research and ICT simultaneously! Had to wear high heels and strapless dress, in which I forgot my cardigan! -_- Srsly. It was a success, didn't make it for the colloquium and stuff, but at least we finished! ^_^.

That matter done, does any of ya want to join our RP? it's TheOneSoul

You can be anything you want, like, literally. Heck, I'm a fox :3

You guys can join in anytime. If you have questions, go ask her and stuff ^_^

Have a nice day!

P.s. sorry for not updating in forever! You guys are not mad, right?😄


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