Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 ~ A cure

I opened my eyes feeling dizzy and dehydrated.
" Wake up " came a voice. I couldn't tell where It came from but I knew who it was.
" How could you do this to me James?" I asked tears flowing down my face.
There was no reply as the black mask slid off my face and I felt hands grip me and pick me up carrying me somewhere.
" Where are you taking me?" I hollered and started moving around trying to get out if the ropes tied on my feet and legs.
" I told you I could fix you and I'm trying to. I won't let you die from cancer " he said sadness in his voice.
I stopped struggling and took a deep breath trying to come up with a plan.
" You call this fixing me? Kidnapping me and taking me somewhere?" I yelled angry.
James looked even more sad.
My plan to make him stop carrying me somewhere wasn't working so I soon started struggling even more as I was dropped down into cold liquid.
A glass panel slid over me as the liquid covered my mouth and nose.
I struggled, screaming underwater trying to beat the glass panel.
Soon I felt something sharp pierce my arms, legs, and stomach as I stopped moving.
I couldn't move whatsoever as pain flowed through my body and I stared fading away.
" I told you I would fix you. I have a cure " James said before I slowly blacked out the cold liquid suddenly comforting me.

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