Chapter 1: Not a Fairytale

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Just a warning now, this book is under serious editing and still isn't finished editing because this author is too lazy when she sees something newly awesome again. 😆


If being born as a daughter of a gang leader is most girls' thing, then this 18 year old female red-shanked douc thinks otherwise. Hell, if she even hears any gossip of how lucky she is, Crystal will go straight up to them and try to bring negativity to the topic by bringing up gruesome details of her dad's work. Unfortunately, this doesn't faze them nearly at all, and it infuriates her.

Why can't she be just a normal girl among other people? Make friends with them, hang out with them on Saturdays for a movie night, or have a boyfriend outside the gang's range. All of this was not allowed whatsoever for the 'little princess' of the Riot Starters.

She's lucky enough to have been allowed to go to school, a little time in a few hours that she can feel free. If only Crystal could just run away from them all, but that is not possible, not since her dad knows a lot of people.

As she enters the old 'abandoned building', or as her dad wants her to call it to make them look cool, few of their men greets her home happily, which she returns with a tired smile. Her dad sees her walk in the building and walked towards the girl, "Ahh, there she is. Just in time for the meeting," he says while hugging her close to him.

"Dad, I have to go. I still have many things to—" but she wasn't even allowed to finish her sentence as he spoke again.

"Crystal, me and the gang are on to something big. And you are going to make a great contribution in this. Come, they're waiting."

The girl sighs quietly, mentally infuriated of this whole gang thing and what she's been forced to do for the sake of the 'family'. But Crystal chose to stay, for a reason and one reason alone.

There are two well known gangs in Calatonia, the Riot Starters and the Bunny Brothers, two which has a natural rivalry embedded to their title and fight for territory. They've been at it for years, never really seeking downfall of one another. To them, it's like an entertainment competition of who does best, robbery, gun fights, stealing territories and supplies.

Crystal has been following them around ever since she was small, never really caring about how inappropriate it is to teach a child how to make dirty living. Skipping school from time to time just so she could 'join in the fun', but it wasn't what is in her mind. She was thinking about busting them to the cops to get out of her dad's toxicity when she met him.

The son of the rival gang's leader.

4 years ago....

Her earphones were suddenly yanked away from her and she looks at her dad who gives her a menacing look, "Crystal, how many times have I told you not to bring your phone with you on a mission?"

"It's not like anyone's gonna call or text me on it..." she mumbles.

"If it gets lost as we do the heist, police will be able to locate you. What if you get sent to jail?"

'Actually, that will be much better than having to deal with you everyday,' she mentally argued.

"Brian, it's time," said one of the gang member.

Her dad turned back to her and signaled her to secure the exit. She rolled her eyes and went back to where they snuck in. It was a pretty big warehouse, but her sense of direction made it possible for her to locate certain places without getting lost.

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