Chapter 24: Renovation

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Alright, six chapters to go ❤️


"Hello? Hello, Crystal?"

Crystal pulls the bag back up on the bed and tries to close it, picking up the phone on her other hand, "Hi, Mr. Moon. What made you call all of a sudden?" Actually she was beyond terrified when it rang that her suitcase fell down on her foot. She sets aside the pain to focus on the task at hand.

"We're actually working on the plan to refurbish the theater for the show! There's a lot to be done, so I hope you can help us with the preparation this day?"

She couldn't believe it. The show is on. Crystal looks at the calendar and counts the remaining days left before her mother arrives. She couldn't trust anything her mother says, two weeks can turn into one, a week could only mean three days, or it might as well be at the end of the day that she arrives. It was terrifying, she was terrifying.

"Hello?" Mr. Moon waits for her reply at the other end of the line.

"Y-Yeah. Yeah, I'll check it out," she blurts out, even though all that she wanted to do was to get out of here, as far away as possible.

"Great! I've already called on the others. Assembly starts at nine," and that's when the call ended.

Crystal froze and drops her phone in the process, she plops down on the bed and facepalms, groaning like it's draining every bit of soul out of her system. Aeon opens the door, having no time to ask permission upon hearing her stressfulness. He walked with a crutch under his arm, feeling much more stronger than when he's on wheels. "What's that all about?"

Her hand slams down on the luggage to close it, ".... Looks like we're staying in this city a little longer."

"Rositta, if you please," Mr. Moon hands the blueprint to her, a simple stage setup that's done quite hurriedly in just a full night of inspection of what they can salvage in the theater. The plan was simple, but a bit hurried due to the possibility of the bank finding out. Judith will not let him off with it anymore, especially since he practically escaped all of his debts ever since the theater crumbled.

He head counted everyone, listing three— or two— people unattended. Moon wasn't sure if Aeon—Crystal's dance partner— is still going to participate. Probably not sure to his injuries. This left a bitter taste in the koala's mouth as he swore to do better this time around, for the sake of those he made promise with and for the sake of all the hard work his dad had done to give him his life's chance.

"Sorry I'm late."

Rositta stops her presentation plan as everyone looked to see the red shank douc greet Mr. Moon. Johnny in particular was ecstatic to see the girl, he walks right towards her as soon as she's done talking to Moon, "Hey."

"Hey?" she raises a brow, although this time, a coy smile lingering on her lips.

"I-I... well... Good morning, Crystal."

She rolls her eyes, a slight bit relieved to not feel irritated the first time she'd glance at him. "Yeah, yeah. Don't goof around now, we're supposed to fix this place up for the show, right?"

Johnny gulps down the lump from his throat, feeling so much like an idiot without knowing how to deal with a childish crush, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, R-Rositta was already helping organize our tasks. We should be able to finish making a makeshift stage by the end of the day."

Looking at him now, Crystal finally sees the version of him that she saw in Johnny before, that timid and responsible gorilla who had always looked at her like she's done something amazing worth of adoration, "... Good to hear."

If the past days, it wasn't as visible to her, it was because Johnny was so unsure of himself. He had to juggle everything he had on his mind, and that including the anger she still had with him. The attitude she had now had changed, somehow it was easier to approach Crystal, and he took that as a starting chance to gain her attention once again.

At lunch time, he pulled himself together and joined the girl and Meena in a circle. Thanks to her elephant friend, the atmosphere wasn't so thick with uneasy tension. His slight advances wasn't wasted either, every time she needed help with something, he'll be there to aid her, especially in helping setting up the switches for the curtains.

Once the day ended, he invited her to go with him and pass the time downtown. Johnny couldn't hold in his surprise when she subconsciously agreed to come along. Crystal was in for the shock either, but right now, her exhaustion wasn't letting her make the right decisions, and now they're walking through the park like two close friends hanging out at an early night.

She sighed, gritting her teeth, Crystal had mentally scolded herself for far too many times as they've let their feet drag them around the large area. Her mind was divided into listening and replying to Johnny's attempts at small conversations and being too hard on herself for letting her guard down.

Johnny glanced at her, slowing his pace a bit as she seemed to be in deep thought, "I could only guess that you're uncomfortable right now."

She shook her head dismissively, not caring anymore, "Nah, it's fine. It's fine. I'm just exhausted, really."

"Why don't we sit down for a bit?" he points to the unoccupied bench at the end of the pathway, thanking the heavens that he had found a good spot near the center plaza. His eyes went down to her hand, feeling the urge to take it in his while he guides them towards it, but before he could do so, the girl already started walking to the bench.

She relieved herself from her aching feet, partially staring to the stalls which sell her favorite potato corndogs. And as luck would have it, Johnny already made the beeline towards it, ordering two for each of them. This made her chuckle a bit, it was always this characteristic of his that always made her brighten up. He already knew what she wants before she can even tell him, and he'd always buy two corndogs for both of them even if she reprimands him for spending too much for two people.

"Nothing I wouldn't do to ease whatever's in your mind."

was what he always said in turn.

Johnny went back towards her and sat on the opposite side, giving her some space to put the corndogs in the middle, "Dinner is served."

"You don't change at all, do you," she mutters, taking a large bite out of one.

"What do you mean? I changed, even for just a little bit," he retorts.

"You still spend too much for two people."

The young man chuckles, holding out two drinks in the plastic he's holding, "Don't worry about it for the moment. It's on me."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're blackmailing me."

"Why would I do that? I mean yeah, maybe I would've if you refused to come with me earlier."

She smiled, a crumb of potato getting on her pants, "I see. So this is a consented kidnapping."

"Maybe I would've done exactly that. I wanted to talk to you, with just us around," Johnny sets his corndog down to the bench. "So thank you for giving me the chance."

Crystal sighs, finishing her snack halfway, "I know what you're trying to achieve here. But us? It's not that simple anymore, Johnny."

"Of course it is. It was complicated. And other than that, I've done you wrong before. I wanted to make it up to you somehow."

"By small talks and a walk in a park?"

"These things... I know they take time. And deep down, you're still angry at me," Johnny looks up as he spots a band coming up a small makeshift stage in the middle of the plaza, arranging their instruments in their proper setting, "But I can't tell you enough of how much I missed you, Crystal. And I know you know, no matter how many time I'll say it, I do and still do... love you."

The word itself felt heavy in her heart, a phrase she found to be easily forgotten and remembered through certain times. His hand lingered on top of hers, fighting his hesitation until he grabs her hand to give it warmth from the cooling night air. Crystal was numb, she allowed herself to be in that state. It's not that she hates him entirely, it was just hard to admit her own emotions to anyone, especially towards him whom she surely had and still have feelings for.

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