Chapter 20: Letting Go

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Four hours after the disaster, Aeon was moved into one of the rooms in the east hallway to wait for his operation. Crystal had convinced Miss Crawley to go home to rest, everyone had a rough day, she doesn't need to put this one on top of that list. The same can't be said for the other guy, Johnny insisted to wait around as well. They're all in the same boat after all, all the people they come home to are not at home right now, and Johnny will just end up moping around in guilt if he decided to leave.

Crystal taps her foot on the floor, looking at the clock with a troubled mind. She has never been in a hospital before so no doubt that she doesn't know what she's supposed to do. The girl couldn't admit that it was a huge relief that Johnny stayed behind with her. Nevertheless, her mind raced with the thought of expenses. The management that's supposed to be responsible for any injuries of its crew is dead a*s broke now with the theater in literal pieces, and there are no other adult she could turn to to ask for instructions. She can't possibly ask her dad about it, something about pride makes her stand her ground and not talk to him no matter what.

"I shouldn't have invited you to be a part of the show," Johnny breaks the tense silence between them.

Her eyes snaps towards him, making the poor boy flinch. No matter how much she wants to get angry at him, Crystal couldn't bring herself to lash out, especially since he's the one who's swallowing his pride to be around her right now. And at such an awkward situation. "Sure. But I could've given up the spot right then and there. And I didn't."

"What are you going to do now? "

"Now? How the hell would I know?" she shrugs, "Nothing makes a lot of sense anymore. That competition, the gang being in jail... leaving. I can't make sense of it all at the moment."

Johnny's downcast expression was quick to disappear as he glanced towards the sleeping patient on the hospital bed. "So how long have you two known each other?"

"Him?... Long before you came, I guess."

He just wanted to slap himself at that moment. So it was just a silly old crush between them two compared to whatever she and Aeon must've had. Nothing beats someone who's been there for longer years and had actually known too much of her life than he did. "I... see."

The atmosphere became too stuffy for her, and as always, Crystal likes to avoid to confront these things head on. She stands up and goes for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Getting some damn lunch. Don't worry, I'll order a take out for you too so stay put," and she leaves him there.

Johnny releases the breath he's been holding, facepalming and cursing to himself for being such a damn coward. Things couldn't get any worse than this.

"Wow. I don't know what tension that is, but it is thick." He almost jumped out of his skin at the sudden comment from the guy who's supposed to be asleep right now. Aeon eyed the clock across his bed, sighing through his nose and then looks by his legs. The other one feels okay, though his right doesn't do a thing he wants it to do, probably because of anesthesia or something. He then turns to Johnny and eyed him from head to foot. " 'Sup, dude? You're that soloist among the contestants, weren't you?"

Johnny took a bit longer to respond to that, "Y-Yeah. Yeah I was. H-How're you feeling?—Aeon, was it?"

"Yeah, it ain't that bad to be honest. It's just my pride feels like it was torn away.... having saved by you from that sorry a*s state."

He didn't like the tone of that, but Johnny didn't say a word about it as he does not know him that well. "Well... good to know you're okay now. Crystal had just went off to buy food. I'll go get her for—"

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