Chapter 8: Unexpected Change

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At night on that same day, Johnny had to take part in another meeting session, which greatly irritated him. What part does his dad not see of him not wanting to be a part of the gang? It's too risky and just takes up most of his important times, and most importantly, preventing him from enjoying anything in life.

Marcus, his dad, had asked why he had a black eye, and of course he lied saying something unexpectedly came flying out somewhere and hit him. It was purely accidental, but thankfully wasn't pushed any further. Men has got to be stronger at times like that, is what everyone in this gang believes in. Be it an accident or intentional harm, you've gotta deal with things on your own and get it over with.

"Other than the plan, we're going to have some company invited over, so wear your mask and be on guard," his dad says.

"Wait, who? Who's coming over?"

Just as he started asking it, Marcus hears engine roaring from afar. He turns to him and points to the garage, "Go in and tell everyone they're here. And get your mask, Johnny."

He didn't ask further under his dad's intense glare and went in the garage to alert the others. The Bunny Brothers's leader faced the guests who had drove in his territory, six people bearing jackets with the symbol of R.S. printed at their backs. The first one had gotten off his motorcycle, taking off the helmet to show his face as the leader of the group. The two faced off and shook hands.


"Marcus," the other gorilla nodded. The rest of the Riot Starters took their helmets off, and unlike Brian, they're all wearing a head mask underneath to keep their identity, much like what Marcus is going to do with his gang.

His eyes scanned the biker gang, spotting the one and only female amongst the group. He lets out a slight grunt in dismay and looks back to the R.S. leader, "Let's get inside."

The garage was full, and hospitality was never the behavior intended in the first place, so they have to make do with their own legs and listen as the two heads of the gang discuss the arrangement. Johnny was shocked to see his dad get along with this guy, and more so that he allowed them inside the Bunny Brothers's hideout. They're currently talking about the next gig that they're supposed to be doing alone, the one that he was assigned as a driver. Looking at Barry, they're usual driver, it does still seem to upset the guy a little.

"Pst," the person next to him catches his attention.

They were a head smaller and is trying to stay quiet throughout the planning process to not be noticed by the two at the ends of the table. One look and he already knew who it was, "Hi."

Crystal rolls her eyes, "Way to start a greeting."

Johnny chuckles, "Same goes to you, I guess."

"Do you know what happened between those two?"

"I don't know how it came to this point."

"Neither do I. I was pretty sure this was damn impossible."

He clenches his jacket at an internal excitement he was feeling. Johnny was having a conflict with his thoughts while staring at his dad and Brian, they were totally against them being together in the same environment, let alone the same street, this was a big leap to what he had wished to happen. It's like fate is finally giving him the chance to set things at his own pace. "Hey, should we... go outside for a bit? It's kinda crowded here."

Crystal couldn't have agreed more. Once they were outside, she can finally release her tensed nerves, from fear of the trap that lingers behind this mysterious turn of events. She looks at Johnny and brings down the head mask, "What's the big idea?"

"I'm not too sure, but it seems like our parents are gonna have to share the bonus in exchange for more efficient tactics."

"No, what I mean is why the f*cking hell did Miss Crawley called me to tell that I'm now part of the show?"

He smiles, "Well, congrats! I knew they would somehow notice y—"

"—Recommended by our soloist himself, a.k.a. you, Johnny," she glares at him.

There's no other guy who could've recommended her than this one, he looked so persistent when he announced the accident earlier today. It couldn't be a coincidence.

"Alright. I did do that. But then I heard that someone named Meena got in the spot, so I thought maybe that was the friend you were talking about?"

Her expression quickly softens at the news, "She did?"

"Yeah. She's... an elephant, right?"

Crystal chuckles, "She actually did. So that means she's going to have a chance at a singing career."

"Yeah, and... so do you."

She can't say she's thankful, Crystal didn't even wanna be on the show. But then there's also the reasoning where her presence could help Meena get over stage fright, plus if that mouse is still on the show, there's a chance she could deal with him sooner. The girl won't admit that though, she can't let Johnny have any ideas. His cowardice is only lowered due to the circumstances as of moment, but that doesn't necessarily change her image of him.

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