Chapter 4

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  (Flurry Heart pov)

         I quickly got up after my mom left the room. I then quietly walked into the hallway and followed my mom to the throne room. Then I heared her talking to Twitch about sending a message to Thorax.

          Two weeks later I see Thorax passed out on the floor and my mom yelling to call a hospital. I didn't know what was going on, so I quickly ran out and asked my mom what's going on. "Thorax passed out on the floor out of exhaustion, or something like that, Princess Flurry Heart." a nurse said. "Mom I need to go with them,PLEASE!!!!!" I screamed as they loaded Thorax into the ambulance. "Alright. But please be careful..." mom said. "Hold on! I coming with you!!!" I screamed and jumped into the ambulance. "Ok Princess Flurry Heart you may sit down right here next to Thorax." Nurse Rose said. "Thank you." I answered.

           Once we were able to get a better room for Thorax, I stayed with him for the whole day until my mom and dad came to bring me home. Thorax still hadn't woke up and I was starting to get worried. But I knew he would wake up...

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