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Name: Shiro Yakima 

Age: 18

School: Archery Private Academy

Likes/Personality: He likes sweets, dark colors sometimes light depending on his mood, anime/manga, neko's, swimming, dancing, his family, acting, he also loves the company he owns and he is kind and gentle,but when he feels threatened he can be extremely deadly

Dislikes: Bullies, attention, bright colors, his past, loud places, and annoying people.

About:  Shiro is originally from America and then moved to Japan since his parents thought it would be nice to have a change for Shiro. Shiro is a very famous dancer, singer, idol, and actor. He is also a widely known genius.  He graduated college when he was 14 and is going to enroll as a high school student again since his parents wished for him to go. He is also a famous business man.

Name: Haru


Parents: UNKNOWN

Gender: Male

Species: Neko

Owner/half-brother: Shiro

Friend: Any friend of Shiro's is a friend of Haru's.

Name: Maria Yakima (American)

Age: 34  

Deceased: Murdered

Husband: Karasuama Yakima

Age: 36

Deceased: Murdered

Wife: Maria Yakima

Name: Sebastian(I had to add it)

Age: 25

Job:  Butler for the Yakima family (looks after Shiro and Haru now)

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