Late on the Second Day

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Shiro's POV

     As Daniel neared the front of the school  ran out of the car bringing Haru with me who was in cat form and rushed to my vocal class. I burst through the doors of the classroom suprising the teacher and the students. "Shiro your late for class. Do you have something to say for yourself?""Sorry Mrs.Sander I overslept and will accept any punishment you have for me." I thought I was going to get detention or have to stay after school,but what she said surprised me. "As punishment I will have you sing a song of your choice in front of the whole class. Is that alright Shiro?""I have no problem with that Mrs.Sander." I dropped off my stuff at my seat as the teacher made the announcement to the whole class while I prepared for the presentation.

"I wanna follow everywhere she goes....(play video)

"There's Nothing Holding me Back!~"

Finishing off I headed back to my seat and noticed that the whole class was silent. I didn't take notice of it until Haru looked at me with awe. Noticing him I turned to him and gave him a small smile and took my seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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