My Office Desk

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After Daniel picked me up from school I told him I will be working at the company. The name of the company is Raven Industry. I am the CEO of the company and is my secretary  is Haru obviously. I headed to my office with Haru behind me. My office was all the way on the top of the building on the 350th floor. When I opened my office door I was greeted by a whole pile of papers and and docments. This is going to take a whole shit load of time too complete and finish. Since I had nothing for Haru to do right know he shifted into a white kitten with light brown paws and rested on my lap. Time to get to work. Oh I forgot the company that I am currently running specializes in clothing and shit like that. The first paper I picked up was a request from to do a project together. This was from a well known fahion line as well. The company was called PYC. They wanted permission to make a clothing line togeter. Since I sually do these fashion and clothing lines myself I thought about it, while lookin through some more papers. Most of those papers where Permission contracts for the lower floors to start a new project for the other departments. With a final thought I saigned the paper and left it in a seperate basket for Haru to mail and send to the company. I also put the aleady signed papers in the basket. I was about to call to Haru when I looked down he was fast asleep on my lap. I decided that I would wait for tomorrow instead and continued to read the papers before I knew it I had fallen asleep on top of the papers too. I was woken up by Haru slamming the office door extremely loudly. I looked up and saw Haru with a shocked and scared face slowly turning around to face me. I would be mad at him, but he already had tears forming around his eyes and he looks like he was going to burst any second. I motioned him to come closer to me and when he did he broke down and started sobbing and apologizing over and over again. I tried so hard not to laugh, but I couldn't help it. Haru looked offended and scared at the same time. I walked up to him and instead of slapping him like most masters do I wrapped him in warm embrace and said I was sorry for laughing at him. When he calmed down he looked at me said opened his mouth to say,"Shiro you are 3 hours late for school you know that." I looked at the clock and saw I was late for school. I quickly dialed Daniel's number and told him to pick me up at the office. I rushed down the hall to the bathroom and freshened up and headed down stairs. I arrived and Daniel was just parking perfect timing as usual. I hopped in and we where off to school.

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