Dark Angel Eternal Flames Chapter 15: Solitude.

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Dark Angel Eternal Flames

Chapter 15: Solitude

                I heard his voice this time.  I still couldn’t see him.  A man-a creature, of shadow that eluded my mind from registering what he looked like.  Unlike last time, I was able to hear his voice.  It was cold.  Booming.  When he spoke it almost sounded like another voice was, nearly mute, speaking with his shortly after each word, nearly in perfect sync but just slightly off.  I was floating in a void of dark and light, almost like space.  I could only see his fiery, burning red eyes.  They were larger than my entire body and were looking down upon me like I was a dog and he my master.  He spoke.

                “Why did you abandon the darkness I gave you?  The darkness you were born with from my being?”

                “That isn’t who I am.”  I replied, my eyes heavy, but I refused to close, let alone narrow, them.  He laughed a cold, dry, old laugh for a short while before inhaling heavily.

                “But it is a part of you, my child.  A large part of you, indeed.  Without it…you wouldn’t be you.  No matter how much you wish to deny and attempt to disregard the truth, you cannot escape it.  It is a part of you and it will always be this way.  It always has, ever since you were born, long before man.”

                “Long before man?  What?  How long have I been?  What am I?  Why is it that any of you who do know won’t tell me?!”

                “You have been since the days of angels and were conceived on the day the Devils were born.  I believe your brother had explained why we cannot tell you, my son.  Your death, however, is not of sentimental importance to me.  I need you to stay alive and gain power, to grow stronger than you can fathom, and I need you to face me when you believe you’re strong enough to do so.”

                “What, why?!  I still don’t even know who you are, how the hell am I supposed to find you?!”  The glow in his eyes began fading.  “Don’t leave!  Come back!”  I was left alone in space again, but the star-like white began fading away as well until I was left in a shroud of black.  My head was throbbing suddenly and I opened my eyes, seeing the moon in a clear sky.  I rolled over onto my side putting my hand on the ground and pushing myself up but I was only able to get onto my hands and knees.  I felt heavy and started heaving.  Once I caught my wind I sat up and looked around.  The ground was cracked and raised in some areas slightly; blood was splattered in a few different places.

                I remembered what happened with Michael and Caesar and immediately terror struck my heart.  I forced myself to stand and made my way back to our base, limping, screaming for someone.  I was worried about Hannah, I was afraid she was dead.  I slammed my hand on the door yelling.

                “Sarah?!  K-Kyle, David?!  Glen, Alex…anybody?!”  I wasn’t able to stand again and collapsed to my knees.  I saw a faded reflection of myself in the metal door and saw I was in my human form.  I tried transforming and my hair began turning black and my eyes purple but my head began to feel like there was pressure all over and my nose began to bleed.  I groaned in pain, dropping my head and coughing.  I didn’t understand what was going on.  I weakly tried to slam my hand on the door again only for it to slide down onto the ground after making contact.  I crawled to the wall and sat against it, breathing heavily.  I stood back up and slammed my shoulder into the door.  I cringed and did it again, the door opening slightly.  I pushed until it was open enough for me to get in through and then closed it behind me, struggling.

                The lights were on.  I yelled for somebody again.  I thought I heard something move down the hall and made my way there, yelling for someone again.  I saw something strange coming from behind a closed door, a light that was unnatural.  I walked there, opening the door.  It was the same medical room I had been in when Damien first appeared before me.  Hannah was in the bed, surrounded by two barriers.  I recognized the energy flow, they were both Sarah’s.  One was helping her heal while the other was protective.  I began reaching toward her, but the protective barrier shocked me brutally.  My arm went numb and the tips of my fingers were bleeding slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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