January 30th, 2017

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Today was a pretty typical day for me. I woke up and went to school as I usually do Monday through Friday. There was one thing that happened that was kind of interesting, at least to me it was. As I was walking to my 3rd period class I had the urge to reach behind me and grab my tail which is kind of interesting because I've never before had a tail to grab. I just now started making a yarn tail and I've been considering buying one online as well so as of right now I have no tail. I don't think it was a phantom shift because I didn't feel a tail swinging or anything I just wanted to grab my tail. Of course I could be wrong because I have never shifted before so I don't really know what a shift is like other than what I read online. I do want to try to shift sometime in the near future though. I think tomorrow I'll write a more in depth chapter about tails and/or shifts. Well that's it for now I guess. See you guys tomorrow.

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