Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It's been about 3-4 days now, I think I've lost count of the days. I've been floating around aimlessly, the amount of food decreasing day by day.

Everyday I would swim around in the water, to stretch my myself to prevent myself from being more sore than I already am.

I've learnt how to swim around better now, but of course with the life jacket. Otherwise, I'd sink in the water quicker than a piece of metal thrown into water.

I just finished doing my daily swim and now I'm back on the wood. I just sit up, balancing myself and look around. I look around, and pause.

I can see some smoke, I wait for my eyes to focus even more, and I see a few glints of fire. I found land... "I FOUND LAND" I scream joyfully.

I put my legs in the water and kick them, using them as a paddle to make my way to the unknown land. In time, I'd be able to make it to the land. I'd be able to call my family and have them get me. I'd be able to go back home!

I paddle harder, more determined than ever. After what feels like an hour, I'm half way there, and I decide to rest for a bit.

I open the food kit, take out another can of beans, that I grew to hate, but I have no other choice. I eat it and drink some water. I rest for a bit more, and then put my legs back in the water.

I'll be home soon...

I'm finally near the shore of a beach on some island. I'm gonna survive. My legs are sore, but I just need a few more metres.

Just a few more metres.

The water is shallow, and the wood keeps hitting the ground, signalling it can't move more than that. I guess it's about a metre deep. I grip the box and slide off the wood, floating with the life jacket.

I paddle my legs towards the sand, while on floating on my back. After a few minutes, I notice that the water is very shallow, about 30 centimetres and I start crawling in it.

I manage to crawl onto the sand. Just a few more metres. Once I'm away from water as possible, I drop the food kit next to me, and I lie down on the ground. I turn over so that I'm lying on my back.

I just rest a bit, thanking god that I'm on land again. Remind me to never travel by sea ever again. Then, I drifted into an unplanned, yet well-deserved nap.

I open my eyes slowly. It takes me a while to adjust but I do eventually. I immediately grab the food kit and open it. There are 4 cans of beans and 7 water bottles left. I did a pretty good job of maintaining food.

I open the usual can of beans and eat, and drink a bottle of water. I look around, and to my utter surprise, there's no signs of people, roads, houses, lights or anything, just an endless forest.

No, this can't be happening.

I'm stranded on some island. Alone. No wait, there was a fire. And it wasn't hot enough for it to be caused by the sun. I'm not alone.

Someone else is here, but who? I stand up and pick up the kit and decide to look for shelter. Maybe I'll find someone on the way. I go towards the forest, and enter it.

I go in deeper and deeper. I take some random turns and about an hour of walking, I find a shack. It's pretty decent-sized. As big as my bathroom. And my bathroom was big.

I miss my bathroom...

I slowly and carefully make my way to it, not wanting to attract unwanted attention, or scare away anyone that's in it. I knock on the door calmly, but there's no reply.

I push open the door and enter the shack. There's a bunch of vines and leaves on the ground, I guess that's the bed. There's also a handmade bar, with wooden spoons and bowls on it. That must be some sort of kitchen.

I make my way to the bed of vines and leaves and lay in it. Well, it's way more comfortable than it looks. Once I'm on the bed, reality hits me hard.

I'm on a stranded island, no source of communication, I don't know how to hunt, I probably can't even kill an animal. Even if I did, I won't know how to cook it because I can't make a fire. And worst of all, I'm all alone.

Well, alone for now. I need to find that person. I end up crying myself to sleep because in general, I just miss civilisation.

I wake up to a sound of something moving. It's gotten quite dark and I can just barely see. I hear another movement, and now my heart is beating so fast.

In a scary movie, some dumb girl would say 'who's there?'... But I'm not a dumb girl and this is not a movie, it's stone cold reality.

I balance my breathing, making it as calm and quiet as possible. I can see an image of something. I hope that it's only my imagination. But I'm dead wrong.

It's an image of a person, and I immediately scramble to the corner. The person raises his hand. There's something in his hand.

Oh my god, is that a knife?

I'm about to scream, when all of a sudden, I hear a flick, and a light is shining on me. That was a bloody flashlight in his hand.

I'm still scared though, what if the person is some killer or rapist. I plan an immediate escape route in case something goes wrong. I'll escape by running over towards the bar, jump on it and out the window.

"Calm down" he says, in a very soothing voice. I immediately relax. But still have my guards up, because it's always the people who seem sane that are the crazy ones.

He shines the light onto his face, and I see pale skin, lightning blue eyes, and blonde hair that's outgrown by brown roots.

What a handsome face.


Zayn finally found land! Yay! He won't drown! Let's hope that never happens again!

And I wonder who that is? It's pretty obvious huh? ;)

Well I wrote this chapter like yesterday but it didn't save so I rewrote it today. But I'm glad it didn't save coz this chapter is way better than yesterday's one!

I enjoyed writing this shit!

Anyways tell me what you think! :)



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