Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Zayn's POV*

Okay, leopard meat, tastes way better than it sounds. It tastes like chicken. Vegetarian? What the hell was I thinking?! "This is good," I say, in between munching, "this is real good" I say. Maybe it's the affect of eating beans for god knows how long.

The sun is shining bright, Niall and I are eating, with a fire burning, cooking what was once a leopard. "So, you never really answered my question" I tell him.

"Question? Which is?" He asks. "How'd you end up here?" I ask. Niall looked away, a glint of sadness in his eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. "Uh..." He says, "oh look, another piece of meat to eat yay" he adds, obviously changing the subject.

I decided to let it go, but for now. I know that it's not my 'business' but I need to know everything about him since we're stranded buddies.

We dig into more delicious meat and just moan and groan as we eat it out (wow that sound dirty)...

*Niall's POV*

"Yayy! We're going sailing!" I say to mommy. "Daddy said he's taking us sailing!" I chanted happily. I started to dance around because sailing is fun! I want daddy to let me drive the boat.

"Alright, Niall, calm down baby. We're gonna get our things and prepare for the journey. Why don't you prepare yourself?" Daddy tells me.

I nod at him and run to my room as fast as I can. I go to my closet and take out Bubsi, my teddy bear. "I'm not going without you Bubsie" I tell him.

We arrived at the boat place, it's called a dock I think. I started jumping happily. "We're gonna sail! We're gonna sail!" I start singing happily. Mommy just looks at me and laughs and daddy does the same.

We enter the boat and I run out to the front tip to stare out at the ocean. "Daddy! Look! Fish!" I scream to daddy, wanting to show him the colourful fish in the water. Daddy just laughs at me and continues making the boat ready.

"Alright! Time to go!" Daddy tells us and turns on the boat and starts to drive it. I run to mommy and sit next to her. "Mommy! Mommy!" I poke her. "Yes, baby?" She says. "Are we gonna fish? Are we? I love fishing. Don't you love fishing? Daddy loves fishing. But you do, right?" I ask.

"Bobby! Niall's hyper again! Did you give him candy?" Mommy asks daddy. "Yeah just one... Pack" he whispers the last word but we still hear him. "Mommy, what's a hyper?" I ask. What is a hyper? Is it a snake, no, that's viper.

"It's when you're jumpy and talkative and moving around a lot. Like you are right now" she tells me. "But mommy, I'm not hyper. I'm Niall. You said my name is Niall" I tell her confused.

Mommy just laughs again. She laughs a lot. Her real name must be hyper. She put her hand on my head and messes my hair and hugs me. "I love you Niall baby" mommy says. "I love you too hyper, I mean mommy" I tell her.

I snap my eyes open and sit up in a rush. No! I haven't had memories of the past in quite a while. Why are they coming back?


Maybe if he didn't ask, I wouldn't have remembered. Well, whatever the reason is, it's back. But at least this one wasn't bad. It was a happy memory.

"Are you alright?" Zayn asks me. I snap my head into his direction. It must be around 2 to 5 in the morning, not that I could tell. I've been stranded here for a really long time.

"Yeah, m'fine" I mumble sleepily. "Let's go back to sleep" I announce. He hums in agreement and I lie down to resume sleeping. I'm about to drift off, but just before I'm about to fall asleep, I feel arms being wrapped around me.

With the newly-born warmth, I immediately fall asleep...


Okay so yeah, wot do you think? It was a filler chapter but hey, I'm working up to some amazing drama ;)

Niall as a kid is so fucking adorable I can't even akskdkkajkslsskjs

Yeah, uh hey :) comment wot u think :)

And sorry for my slow updates but school and senior year and life



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