#2 bro, you gangstaaaa?

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Dedicated to the people who find it hard to be themselves.

Theez bee da ppl I hng wid nd theez be ma ganstas.

Ok, to start off, these are the street thugs and biggest losers. They try to get at every aspect and annoying stage in life. Starting with their dumb acronyms ‘YMCMB’, ‘SWAG’ (I actually don’t mind swag cause’ the thug life chose meh *hypocrisy alert*).

Half of these don’t make sense. These thugs or gangstas are basically nothing but a waste of space and air, really. They waddle when they walk and the trend for low pants gives a whole new meaning to low-life, if you get what I mean.

I see many gangstas or the English term ‘gangsters’ in the celebrity area. I won’t name anyone because belittling anyone is wrong, either they know you exist or not. The thing about gangstas is that they cause a lot of harm. I try to spot gangstas who are gangstas for the fun of it and not because everyone else is, and sadly, I have found not ONE is different.

Their pants: I always thought it was the pants that attracted guys to the trend, but then I thought, what’s cool about looking like you just crapped your pants and the substance is rubbing against your legs? Then I thought about the growing trend of girls liking ‘bad boys’, looking like they came out of a drug-store all wasted.

I don’t really understand this trend, but it’s not like I’m very bothered about trends. I mean, why would you follow a trend to see a million people wearing the same thing? Kind of ruins the whole individuality thing.

Their clothes: Their t-shirts as I have noticed, are always baggy, I don’t mind baggy but the guys aren’t sleek or fit to be wearing baggy shirts, they’re rather lanky and thin. I have nothing against baggy clothing, I find it very natural, but guys wearing it, seems weird. You must be glad to have lost that much weight; I wouldn’t publicize my old size if I were you.

Their snapbacks: Have you seen those snapbacks that have like pricks on them or something? It looks like someone was trying to save a cactus. Yeah, well, that ain’t attractive, son.

Their tattoos: I don’t mind people wearing tattoos on their skin, I’m told to respect people’s decisions, but don’t get it so out of hand that you start looking like a tattoo shop rather than a person who adores them.  This isn’t attractive, either. A little bit of tattoos that actually make sense, is alright, but don’t fill yourself with writing so you look like a pit of emotions or rather a stupid teenager.

Gangstas, I don’t understand the reason of being one. Besides, what do you get out of spray-painting every existing wall and turning it into a mural? Or wasting time trying to walk, talk, move, look or wear things a certain way?

The only reason gangstas are probably existing is because someone was into that stuff, unless you genuinely like being put in jail; against your will, vandalizing council’s property and obviously causing harm to people who eventually have to visit the hospital, then you need to go to a doctor because that membrane ain’t going to fix itself.

I think it’s wrong for generalization to kind of squeeze its way into here, I’m pretty sure, in a society like this, guys dress a certain way but not always do they have the intention to be that way, don’t judge.

Most of the guys are just doing it to fit into the crowd, it’s wrong but we all do it, I’m not saying it’s alright to be this way, acting, being stupid and swearing at every person you turn to but this rant isn’t about being yourself (I’ll come around to it one day, though).

This is about how guys are treated and how they should be. I’m not a guy but I try my best to be open-minded and I think us, as girls have to understand not every guy is the same and they can be very nice. I don’t talk to guys at all, unless it’s a life/death situation but I’ve never really had a near-death experience but I try to set my mindset as a guy and think like one. If the girls understand this, then I’m glad I could address the issue.

Also, girls actually don’t like ‘bad boys’. We actually prefer genuine guys, well most sensible girls anyway. The girls that do, however, are also stuck in the shallow position and those dumb girls that high-schools have. I don’t go to a public school, but I’ve watched enough movies and reality shows to get my head around to it.

Basically, being yourself can be very hard, especially when society views you as a monster. Don’t try to prove anyone wrong, just be yourself, seriously. No more sarcasm intended, if you don’t feel comfortable with a crowd you should move on because you should have enough self-respect to move from someone who doesn’t please you anymore.

I don’t mean that you have to narcissistic but try to be honest and true to yourself and respect everyone. Don’t try to change anyone; if you love them whole-heartedly then the Lord will do his own magic.

If you have a bad group or too much bad company, you should try to eliminate them from your life. If you have some good people that you find are true and faithful, keep them close and the stronger your friendship grows, the more people will be inspired and just by a simple act, you can change people’s thoughts on being a gangsta or the biggest idiot or even the glamour girl.

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