Chapter III | This is My Happy Face

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Serenity's Point of View

"Out of the way, emo bitch!" A boy says, shoving me to the ground.

All my things where scattered on the floor, but there was nothing I could do about it; my mother will kill me if I were to intervene in any type of violence (even if it was self defense).

I pick up my books and walk down the halls, not looking at anyone. Honestly, it was hard trying to not kill anyone with my powers...

But I wasn't able to keep them contained when a girl tripped me. I'm pretty violent if I lash out on someone so that's why I rarely do it- plus, it tires me out sometimes. But when I did, I didn't kill anyone. No... I blacked out of the world.


When I wake up, I'm in a back of a limo. There is a girl next to me wearing all black: black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, black boots. The only thing that wasn't black was her hair, which was a bright blue. She has two guns; one she was cleaning and one she points at me.

She looks closely at me, turns off the safety, then puts her finger on the trigger.

"Bang bang!" She says, and laughs.

Now I start to panic.

"A-are you guys kidnapping me?" I mumble.

The girl smiles, then starts to laugh again. "Kidnapping you? Are you joking? Your mom told me to detain you and bring you home."

Now I start to get angry. I realize I wasn't restrained so I unleash my power, turning into a demon.

The girl looks surprised and then looks at a piece of paper on her lap. "If Serenity goes crazy slash her with the blade. Ah, that's what I'm supposed to do!"

My demon form slashes at the girl who easily dodges it, then stabs it with her blade. My form goes down and so did I. "You just stabbed me!" I yell. "What the fuck was that about?!"

The girl just shakes her head. "Your fault; you changed into a demon. Besides, chill out; I only hurt your demon form, so calm down." I realize what she said. I look down at my arm where she stabbed me, and there was no wound.

The blue haired girl makes a big droopy frowny face. "Awww why you sad? Be happy like me." I turn and growl at her.

"This is my happy face, lady!" I yell back.

She looks back at me. "It's Carter by the way! Thanks for asking!"

I sigh. I really don't like this blue-haired ball of insanity.

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