Chapter VIII | Method to Madness Part 1

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Carter's Point of View

It's 3:30 in the morning and the team is already out. By the time it was time to go, half the team missed out on breakfast. Unfortunately, I was part of that half.

Nico is sleeping on the plane and Camilla slaps him.

"What the hell Camilla?!" Nico yells.

"No sleeping on a mission," she replies. Nico grunts and stays quiet.

Alice is sharpening her blades when she started to smell something. "أنا رائحة الفئران," [I smell a rat] She said. Most of us looked confused and Nate started to talk.

"Sister, what do you mean by 'you smell a rat'?"

She replies with, "أعني شيئا الروائح الميسورين." [I mean something smells well off.]

Raising her sword at Skylar, she shouts, "انه انت! شممت رائحة مثل رائحة غير معروفة! ما أنت؟" [It's you! You scent is well different! What are you?]

Skylar flinches, tensing​ up, but Nate saves her. "Alice you're tired; that messed up your scent, so chill out! Also, speak English. The rest of us don't know Arabic."

Alice mutters something under her breath and continues to sharpen her blades.

Skylar sighs and relaxes a little, almost as if she's relieved.

That isn't suspicious at all...

"We are getting to the drop zone get your parachutes ready!" Camilla yells. I put in my earbuds and open the chute door, ready to jump.

Looking down, I get a little scared. Just because I act fearless, it doesn't mean I am.

Darcy notices, and takes my hand. "Together?"

I nod.

"On three," she says. "One..."

"Two..." I count.

"Three!" We shout simultaneously, and jump.

As the two of us free fall, I almost forget about my problems. Almost.

When we land and remove our parachutes, I put on my helmet. For some reason, having my mask on feels... normal. I feel closer to my father with it on.

Kyle, Ren, Ahi, Aiden, and a bird fly down. Turns out the bird is Nico. Go figure. The rest of the team parachutes down. Nico turns back and spits out a feather.

"Nico, since when were you able to turn into a bird?" Kyle asked.

Nico laughed. "Heh heh heeeeh, I hate it."

Camilla rolled her eyes. "Let's get a move on."

With Serenity clocking the team they where off and rolling.

(Part one of two parts!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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