Gettig More Comfortable

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I have been living in Cali for about 3 months now.Jc and i are always ha going out. I am really falling for him.
Jc's pov

Lyndsey has been in Cali for like 3 months, and I really like her. I wanna ask her out but I just don't know how.

"He Ricky I need to talk to you."

"What's up Jc?"

"So I really like Lyndsey.."

"NO WAY...I had no idea!"

"Shut up Ricky I'm serious, I wanna ask her out but I just don't know how to."

"Well you know what she likes so do something like that with her. Or do something simple like have a movie night here the boys and I will leave."

"I think she would like the movie."

"Well I'll have the boys go get ready and we will go film somewhere."

"thanks Ricky, you are the best!"

I walk over to Lyndsey's house and Brooke answered the door.

"Hey is lyndsey home?"

"Yea come in and I'll get her"
Brooke had this cheesy smile on her face.

Lyndsey's pov


"What ,what happened?"

"Jc is here for you, and he looks kinda nervous."

"Oh God, what does he want?"

"I don't know I didn't ask questions now go down there and talk to him!"

Brooke literally pushed me out the door. I look over the railing and see Jc sitting in the living room. I walk down to him.

"Hey, Brooke said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yea I had a question."

Right now my heart was pounding. Every thought was going through my head at once.

"Would you wanna come over tonight and like watch like a movie, like just us?..."


"I mean if you don't it's fine." He started to stand up and go Over to the door.

"I'd love to.."

He turned around.."really?"

"Yea, I mean I've watched a lot of movies with you so, yea, what time?"


"6:30 it is!"

He walked back over his place. Brooke came down the steps screaming.

"No freaking way!!" Brooke screams

"Where you ease dropping?"

"What?.. me?.. no way". "But Jc freaking Caylen just asked you on a date!"

My eyes got huge once i wrapped my head around it.

"Jc Cayley just asked me out!!!!"

I looked at the clock and it was already 5:30 I have to be over there in and hour. I run up the stairs and start to get ready. I was so nervous.

* at Jc's house*

I knock on the door and wait for Jc to answer it. And may I say he cleans up good! He smiled when he opened the door and I walked in.

Jc's pov

Lyndsey knocked on the door and when I opened it I saw her and couldn't help but smile. She looked so beautiful. She walked in and sat in the living room.

"She what movie didn't you wanna watch?" I didn't care what movie it was, just as long as I got to spend time with her.

"Anything really."

I kinda wanted to get a scary movie so she would like cuddle with me. So I picked out Texas chainsaw.

I ordered some pizza and we started the movie. You can tell she was already getting scared because she moved a little closer to me. I didn't mind. She jumped a few times but that was really it. The movie ended and she helped me clean up and I walked her back home.

" thank you for a great night Jc." She kissed my cheek

"It was my pleasure." As I took her hand and kissed it. She blushed a bit. We said our goodnights and she walked in the house.

Lynsey's pov

Jc walked me home I kissed his cheek and thanked him for a great night. I went and told Brooke all about the little date.

"So what happened?" Brooke asked Eagerly."

"We just watched a movie and ate pizza."

"That's it?"

"Yea it was just a little date."

"Yea... so do you think he's gonna ask you on another date soon?"

"I really hope so because he is an amazing guy."


Several months go by and Jc and i are still together and sam and Brooke are together! I couldn't imagine anything better.

I never thought this would have happened to me in a million years!!

Living With O2L(O2L/Jc Caylen fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now