Eight: No Chemistry Here

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Ready to present my apology to Reyna, I ran into chemistry- my mind set on the heartfelt words I wanted to express. I knew Rey always arrived later than I did, but always with enough time to spare before she was counted tardy.

When I entered the class, I saw we were all divided into our groups- and I remembered that today was the day we were supposed to work on our chemistry projects, which was also the last day I'd get the chance to talk to Reyna and have her hear me out. I grabbed a lab coat, gloves, and goggles from the pile on the teacher's desk, slipping them on as I headed to my lab table.

Oliver arrived, and as he headed to the table, Ms. Alderman gave him a scolding look, staring at the red wires of his Beats headphones. He rolled his eyes, taking them off and shoving them into his pocket, only to put them back on when she wasn't looking. Yeah, right, like a look was going to stop Oliver Davis from listening to The Rolling Stones. He saw that I'd been staring and put his finger to his lips. I smirked at him, chuckling quietly as I played with the weird rubber material on my hands, eagerly waiting for Rey to walk into the room. Truthfully, she was the only real friend I had other than Riley who didn't just appear in my life because I was dating one of the most well-known girls in school. Camryn wasn't "popular", but she also wasn't "un-popular". Those kinds of labels only exist in movies and books, and as far as I'm concerned, my life is the farthest thing from any of those. But, I have to admit, if this were a book, she'd be considered popular and I would've been the typical loser who can only dream of a girl like her falling for someone like me.

It was as if I only existed when I was with Cam, but other than that, I was no one. Which may have been why I spent so many nights helplessly falling apart. Because, when she left, it felt like the rug was ripped from under me. I stopped talking to Riley once I found people who I wrongly assumed were better, because all they did was leave with her. Riley later proved he was the friend I had always needed, contacting me two weeks after the break-up and comforting me to the best of his ability. He was basically like the mom-friend- except, you know, he was a guy.

Minutes after the bell rang, Rey was the only member of our group that wasn't present. I found myself becoming more worried; not only because I wouldn't be able to apologize, but because she was the smartest person in our group- and without her, we'd definitely fail the semester.

"So, class, we're going to begin our project. I trust you all have read the instructions I've provided for your groups, because a project this serious and experimental can lead to destruction of school property- intentional or not- which can also lead to possible suspension." Ms. Alderman said, circling around the groups to be sure we were all paying attention. Miraculously, she didn't notice Oliver still had his headphones plugged in when she passed our table. I anxiously continued to look at the door, hoping the handle would turn and Rey would come in with another pink slip of paper excusing her tardiness.

But, ten minutes later, and she was nowhere to be seen.

"I would just monitor you guys if I trusted any of you with projects like this, but, I don't. So, please make sure you're paying extra attention - that goes for you Mr. Hoang - unless you want a failing grade for this semester and suspension. Which, I hope most of you don't. You can begin grabbing your materials." I grabbed both flasks, one filled with 30 milliliters and the other with baking soda. I turned on the burner and placed the vinegar flask above it. Camryn, for once, didn't mind working at the same time I was.

"I remember doing this in sixth grade," Camryn chuckled, referring to the baking soda and vinegar volcano we were about to make. I let out a small laugh, genuinely surprised she talking to me. Well, obviously not just me, but it was a good start. Maybe the universe is in my favor this time? I can only hope.

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