Chapter 1

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"Ugh Nat it's Henry again. Please do something about it before I lose it."
Nagged Andrea, well, me, when her phone buzzed notifying her that Henry, her ex just messaged her.

"I seriously don't get you Andy, a girl with her ex constantly messaging her apologizing for everything he's ever put her through, literally asking for forgiveness for HER dumping HIM, yet she thinks that's annoying?"

"Nat, it was all fun and games until he started sending me constant messages. Like okay I enjoyed him being sorry at first but I didn't reply to any of his messages yet, THAT should be a message!"

"Whatever, give me your phone I'm calling him."
Said Natalie, my bestie, reaching for my phone.

I gave it to her and laid down on her bed.

'I need to get my nails done'
I thought while she was on the phone.

"Okay that should be the end of it."
Said Natalie walking in on me.

"Do you think I should do matte nail polish this time or shiny?"
I asked not caring about what happened with her and Henry.

"I'd go with Matte, it makes it look fancy."

"Natalie we need to get ourselves a goddamn boyfriend."
I said raising my body up and sitting properly.

"A boyfriend? As in, one boyfriend that we'll share?"
Natalie made fun of me.

"Boyfriends, two boyfriends, whatever. Find one and don't worry about finding the other."
I rolled my eyes at her.


"Nat there's this new guy that I'm totally crushing over!"

"Great, victim of the week. Who's that?"

"I don't exactly know I just know how his face looks like lol"
I said as she laughed really hard.

"Andy you're unbelievable, you have like 60 crushes, how do you keep up??"

"64, that's first, and second they make it easy not noticing my existence."

"Andy that guy you saw in the bus station through a goddamn hole in the wall and never saw again how did you expect him to notice your existence? Or that man in his suit and his sports car that you once saw while driving and he let you pass first on a cross road, did you expect him to follow you home and propose?"

"Natalie why don't you piss off while I try and find my new bae eh?"
I said as I continued my online research. Some people call it stalking but I took it to a whole new level.

"Andrea there's no way you'll find him you don't even know hi-"

"Found him!"
I interrupted her.

She was shocked for a second before grabbing my phone from my hand and looking at the screen.

"Is this your crush?"

I nodded.

"He looks 5"

"He's 17. Sometimes I forget that we're in college."
I face palmed myself.

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